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Posts Tagged global engagement

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July 6, 2018 | 11:16 am

Fate of historic forts rests in connecting them to the communities around them

The most help I can do for the preservation and heritage of Elmina castle, Fort Amsterdam, and the other slave castles along of the coast of Ghana is to teach others how they can study and care for the castle tomorrow.

topics: Chris Muir, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ghana, global engagement, Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Michael Jarvis, Program in Archaeology Technology and Historical Structures, Renato Perucchio,
July 5, 2018 | 02:30 pm

Trip to Kumasi offers insights into Ashanti culture

In a break from their work on the forts of the Ghanaian coast, mechanical engineering major Seungju Yeo ’20 learns more about the culture and language of the Ashanti region of modern-day Ghana.

topics: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ghana, global engagement, Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences,
July 2, 2018 | 01:36 pm

Like a fish out of water (with a side of banku)

The goal of this entry isn’t to try and definitively answer these questions, but rather to discuss how I got my feet planted. The first step was to acknowledge that I am not here to be comfortable.

topics: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ghana, global engagement, Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Michael Jarvis, Program in Archaeology Technology and Historical Structures, Renato Perucchio,
June 28, 2018 | 10:02 am

Memorable Ghana

“As a student in the digital media studies department, it amazed me to see how the different tools and methods of studying the structures added to our understanding of how the forts were built and how they might have changed over time.”

topics: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ghana, global engagement, Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Program in Archaeology Technology and Historical Structures,
June 25, 2018 | 11:59 am

Surveying the castle is ‘an honorable mission’

“Since arriving at Elmina, my heart has been flooded with sorrowful thoughts that fly back to the colonial period, when elegant pieces of architecture such as Elmina Castle were built to house pillaged materials such as gold and ivory, as well as human beings.”

topics: Chris Muir, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ghana, global engagement, Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Michael Jarvis, Program in Archaeology Technology and Historical Structures, Renato Perucchio,
June 19, 2018 | 08:43 am

On to Elmina Castle

Engineering student Kate Korslund ’20 finally reaches Elmina Castle, home for the field school she her classmates will be spending their summer learning about the historic importance and preservation of these coastal forts.

topics: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ghana, global engagement, Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Program in Archaeology Technology and Historical Structures,
Campus Life
June 18, 2018 | 02:39 pm

Students share research experiences in Ghana

Hear from eight Rochester students spending this summer at a field school in Ghana. Led by Professors Renato Perucchio, Michael Jarvis, and Chris Muir, the students are studying the engineering, historical, and cultural aspects of the country’s historic coastal forts.

topics: Chris Muir, Ghana, global engagement, Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Michael Jarvis, Program in Archaeology Technology and Historical Structures, Renato Perucchio, research finding,
June 18, 2018 | 02:33 pm

Arriving in Ghana: Jollof rice hits the spot

On her first days in Ghana, mechanical engineering major Louisa Anderson ‘20 settles in for a summer at a field school near Accra, learning about the history, people – and food.

topics: Chris Muir, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ghana, global engagement, Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Michael Jarvis, Program in Archaeology Technology and Historical Structures, Renato Perucchio,
Society & Culture
June 11, 2018 | 04:10 pm

Food for thought—and research

In fields like anthropology and linguistics, scholars must earn the trust of the communities in which they work. A basic key to that trust involves the sharing of food.

topics: Department of Linguistics, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, featured-post-side, global engagement, Medical Center, Nadine Grimm, School of Arts and Sciences, Timothy Dye,