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Science & Technology
February 27, 2018 | 03:52 pm

Earth’s magnetic field fluctuations explained by new data

Using new data gathered from sites in southern Africa, researchers have extended their record of Earth’s magnetic field back thousands of years to the first millennium.

topics: Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, John Tarduno, magnetic field, planets, research finding, School of Arts and Sciences,
Science & Technology
February 22, 2018 | 01:36 pm

Brain signal indicates when you understand what you’ve been told

Biomedical engineers have identified a brain signal that indicates whether a person is comprehending what others are saying—and have shown they can track the signal using relatively inexpensive EEG readings taken on a person’s scalp.

topics: brain, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Edmund Lalor, featured-post-side, Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, language, research finding,
Science & Technology
February 9, 2018 | 01:00 pm

Elusive ‘turbulent dynamo’ phenomenon observed at OMEGA laser

The universe is filled with magnetic fields, but how it got that way has long been a mystery. To explain the magnetization of the universe, scientists proposed the existence of a “turbulent dynamo.” The phenomenon had never before been measured or observed directly—until recently.

topics: Dustin Froula, featured-post-side, Laboratory for Laser Energetics, OMEGA EP laser, research finding,
Science & Technology
February 6, 2018 | 10:47 am

Why do naked mole rats live long, cancer-free lives?

Rochester biologists were surprised to see that despite its remarkable longevity, the naked mole rat still has cells that undergo senescence, like the cells in much shorter-lived mice.

topics: Aging, Andrei Seluanov, cancer, Department of Biology, featured-post-side, naked mole rat, research finding, School of Arts and Sciences, Vera Gorbunova,
Science & Technology
February 2, 2018 | 01:29 pm

Low levels of alcohol good for the brain

A Medical Center shows for the first time that low levels of alcohol consumption tamp down inflammation and helps the brain clear away toxins, including those associated with Alzheimer’s disease.

topics: Alzheimer’s disease, featured-post-side, Maiken Nedergaard, Medical Center, research finding,
Science & Technology
February 1, 2018 | 04:24 pm

Research is changing the game for melanoma treatment

Some Wilmot Cancer Institute patients with advanced melanoma may have longer disease-free survival thanks to new drug treatment options tested by Rochester researchers.

topics: cancer, research finding, Wilmot Cancer Institute,
Science & Technology
January 31, 2018 | 08:48 am

Compound could transform energy storage for large grids

University of Rochester chemists are working on changes to existing batteries to provide clean energy when the sun isn’t shining and the wind doesn’t blow.

topics: Department of Chemistry, Ellen Matson, energy, featured-post-side, Materials Science Program, research finding, sustainability,
Society & Culture
January 19, 2018 | 01:29 pm

Rochester professor part of national campaign finance task force

In a new research report, professor David Primo argues that there’s a disconnect between what the public believe about campaign finance law and the reality, and that many popular reform proposals unlikely to bring the desired results.

topics: David Primo, Department of Political Science, elections, research finding, School of Arts and Sciences,
Science & Technology
January 17, 2018 | 03:08 pm

Ocean waters prevent release of ancient methane

Environmental scientist Katy Sparrow ’17 (PhD) set out to discover whether ancient-sourced methane, released due to warming ocean waters, survives to be emitted to the atmosphere.

topics: climate change, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, featured-post-side, John Kessler, research finding, School of Arts and Sciences, sustainability,
Science & Technology
January 15, 2018 | 08:29 am

Pancreatic tumors may require a one-two-three punch

Wilmot Cancer Institute scientists have discovered that a three-drug combination can simultaneously target the cancer cells as well as the other harmful, inflammatory cells within the tumor.

topics: cancer, David Linehan, featured-post-side, research finding, Wilmot Cancer Institute,