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Posts Tagged research finding

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Science & Technology
January 8, 2018 | 08:43 am

For city kids with asthma, telemedicine and in-school care cut ER visits in half

A new Medical Center study shows that children with asthma in the Rochester City School District who received telemedicine appointments and in-school care cut their ER visits in half.

topics: asthma, city schools, community, Division of General Pediatrics, featured-post-side, Jill Halterman, Medical Center, research finding,
Science & Technology
January 3, 2018 | 03:22 pm

Creating negative mass particles—and a novel way to generate lasers

Rochester researchers have created particles with negative mass in an atomically thin semiconductor, using a device that creates an optical microcavity.

topics: featured-post-side, Institute of Optics, Materials Science Program, Nick Vamivakas, photonics, quantum science, research finding, URnano,
University News
December 22, 2017 | 11:56 am

2017: The year in scholarship

Each year, the University of Rochester produces academic and scholarly work that contributes to our understanding and appreciation of the world around us.

topics: featured-post-side, research finding,
Society & Culture
December 20, 2017 | 02:13 pm

New book explores ‘ethical turn’ of critical theory

Professor Robert Doran focuses on iconic 20th-century philosophers like Michel Foucault, Hayden White, Gayatri Spivak, and Richard Rorty, and explores critical theory’s pivot away from a narrowly focused investigation of meaning and text.

topics: book authors, Department of Modern Languages and Cultures, research finding, Robert Doran, School of Arts and Sciences,
Science & Technology
December 14, 2017 | 03:12 pm

Newest data links inflammation to chemo-brain

Chemo-brain, or cancer-related cognitive impairment, is estimated to impact 80 percent of people in treatment. A new Medical Center study shows that inflammation in the blood plays a key role.

topics: cancer, Medical Center, Michelle Janelsins, research finding, Wilmot Cancer Institute,
Society & Culture
December 13, 2017 | 01:35 pm

The mysterious aftermath of an infamous pirate raid

Just before dawn on May 18, 1683, pirates stormed the port city of Veracruz, capturing around 1,500 people and selling them to the slave markets of Haiti and South Carolina. Pablo Sierra Silva, assistant professor of history, is on a mission to trace what happened to them.

topics: book authors, featured-post-side, Haiti, History of Rock, Mexico, National Endowment for the Humanities, Pablo Miguel Sierra Silva, research finding, research funding, School of Arts and Sciences,
Society & Culture
December 13, 2017 | 12:15 pm

Finding roots of globalization in Ottoman Empire’s railway

In his new book, assistant professor of art history Peter Christensen focuses on infrastructure—railway stations specifically—and their place in architectural history not just as technology, but also as art.

topics: book authors, Department of Art and Art History, featured-post, Peter Christensen, research finding, School of Arts and Sciences,
Science & Technology
December 12, 2017 | 12:07 pm

Chemists go ‘back to the future’ to untangle quantum dot mystery

For more than 30 years, researchers have been creating quantum dots—nanoscale semiconductors with remarkable properties. But quantum dot synthesis has occurred largely by trial and error. Thanks to the work of two Rochester chemists, that may be about to change.

topics: Department of Chemistry, featured-post-side, Materials Science Program, quantum science, research finding, School of Arts and Sciences, Todd Krauss,
Science & Technology
December 7, 2017 | 03:29 pm

Electrical stimulation in brain bypasses senses, instructs movement

New research is helping scientists figure out how to harness the brain’s plasticity to rewire connections lost due to injury or stroke, an advance that could accelerate the development of neuro-prosthetics.

topics: brain injury, Marc Schieber, Medical Center, research finding,
Science & Technology
December 7, 2017 | 09:47 am

Scientist’s accidental exhale leads to improved DNA detector

How did water vapor became integral to the development and design of a novel device for detecting the DNA biomarkers affiliated with disease?

topics: Department of Biomedical Engineering, DNA, featured-post-side, Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, James McGrath, Materials Science Program, nanotechnology, research finding, URnano,