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Posts Tagged University Advancement

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Campus Life
February 5, 2019 | 01:41 pm

First in the family

“I grew up feeling I would go to college no matter what,” says Hajim Scholar and computer science major Maisha Idris ’19. Idris’s story is striking, but not unusual at Rochester, where about 20 percent of undergraduates are first-generation, or “first-gen” students.

topics: featured-post, First Gen Society, Rochester Review, scholarships, University Advancement,
University News
August 6, 2014 | 10:10 am

Thomas Farrell to lead Advancement

Thomas J. Farrell ’88,’94 (MS) has been named to lead the University’s advancement effort, which is in the public phase of a $1.2 billion capital campaign. Farrell brings more than 24 years of advancement experience, which began in 1990 as class campaign fundraiser at the University.

topics: appointments, Thomas Farrell, University Advancement,