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Posts Tagged We’re Better Than That

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Campus Life
March 19, 2018 | 09:13 am

Events mark International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

On this annual observance by the United Nations, We’re Better Than That—the University’s anti-racism committee comprised of students, faculty, and staff—will sponsor a panel discussion and invite members of the community to sign a pledge to fight racism.

topics: diversity, featured-post, We're Better Than That,
Campus Life
March 17, 2017 | 12:16 pm

Meet student leaders behind ‘We’re Better Than That’

As the University’s anti-racism campaign prepares to host a series of discussions marking the United Nations’ annual International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, meet the students who help shape the committee’s platform and mission.

topics: events, featured-post-side, We're Better Than That,
University News
February 1, 2017 | 12:38 pm

Events celebrating black history

W. Kamau Bell, sociopolitical comedian and host of the Emmy-nominated CNN show United Shades of America, highlights a month of lectures, films, performances, and exhibits.

topics: Black History Month, events, Frederick Douglass Institute for African and African-American Studies, Humanities Project, Susan B. Anthony Center, We're Better Than That,
University News
April 14, 2016 | 04:37 pm

Irfan Bashir ’19 wins antiracism student video contest

“I wanted to show that although this is a diverse campus, racism does exist. But together, we can stop it.” Bashir’s three-minute video called “Meliora,” was announced Thursday as the winner after a week-long vote of the campus community.

topics: Presidential Commission on Race and Diversity, We're Better Than That,
University News
March 18, 2016 | 10:19 am

Campaign aims to raise awareness about racism

For Rochester students like Justin Delinois ’19 the sentiments captured in a University-wide effort to combat racism on campus are more than just four words that fit on a T-shirt.

topics: announcements, racism, We're Better Than That,