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DATE, TIME, PLACE: Wednesday, Dec. 4, noon to 6:30 p.m., in the Eisenberg Rotunda, Schlegel Hall, University of Rochester River Campus.

REGISTRATION: The symposium is free and open to the public. To register, please contact Renato Perucchio at

WHAT: A one-day symposium titled “3D Digital Archaeology: Reconstruction, Analysis, and Conservation of Cultural Heritage” will address current issues bridging the humanities and the applied sciences related to 3D modeling, visualization, and analysis of complex archaeological structures. A broad spectrum of 3D technologies are increasingly being applied for the study and conservation of cultural heritage in fields such as archaeology, architectural history, anthropology, and art history, leading to major changes in the way these disciplines are conducting their work. Leading international researchers will outline current work and cutting-edge applications in virtual archaeology and the digital humanities, as well as in technologies such as image processing, dynamic monitoring, and structural analysis of monuments. A roundtable discussion following these presentations will invite participants to discuss how they use or envision the use of 3D digital modeling in their research or in the broad field of material cultural heritage.

SPONSORS: The symposium is co-sponsored by The Humanities Project at the University of Rochester; the Central New York Humanities Corridor, from an award by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation; and by the Program in Archaeology, Technology, and Historical Structures through the Selwyn Endowment Fund.