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Christina Kersten ’21, left, and her mother, Jie, pose for a photo at the painted rock at Susan B. Anthony Hall. (University photo / J. Adam Fenster)

Anna Remus never expected to enroll at the University of Rochester.

“My sister went here, and I was determined to do something different,” the Des Plaines, Illinois, native says. “But the more I looked at Rochester, the more I realized this was the best place. I applied the final day I could, and I’m so glad I did.”

Anna’s sister, Angela, graduated with the Class of 2016. On Wednesday morning, Rosemary and Ken Remus were back on the River Campus to send Anna, their youngest child, off to college as hundreds of other first-year students, from 42 states, officially moved in. (The Class of 2021 also includes nearly 500 international students, who moved in Monday.) The three sat in their car in Park Lot, waiting to be directed to Anna’s dorm, while being serenaded by student a capella groups.

“It’s a different kind of hard,” Rosemary said, fighting back tears. “We’re excited for her.”

Orientation director Eleanor Oi ’13S (MBA) estimated that close to 1,000 cars pulled into Park Lot. From there, families were directed to dorms, where Orientation volunteers carried luggage up to the students’ rooms.

“It’s new and exciting, and fresh,” Oi said of Move-In Day. “It’s a new beginning for everyone.”

One family arrived at 7 a.m.—two hours before Move-In Day officially commenced—and brought three cars.

“Lots of family members, and lots of luggage,” said Oi.

Alicia Tavitian drove with her father and brother from their home in Los Angeles, a 3,000-mile trip that began last Saturday. Alicia first learned about Rochester while enrolled in an International Baccalaureate high school. She plans to major in neuroscience and said being so far from home is exciting.

“I like the adventure,” she said. “The atmosphere here is just great.”

Her father, Martin, wasn’t sure how he feels about his only daughter being so far away.

“I’ll let you know next week,” he said.

Not everyone waited in the line of cars in Park Lot. Elliot Tai-Brownlee of Missoula, Montana, walked over with his mother from their hotel room at the Staybridge Suites, across the river from campus.

They had quite a week before Move-In Day even began. On Monday, he and his mother, Clare, sat in Grand National Teton Park in Wyoming and watched a total solar eclipse. On Wednesday, under sunny skies, they embarked on a new adventure far from home.

“I can’t wait to start,” said Elliot, who joins his brother Andrew, a senior at Rochester. “It’s a great engineering program, I have a family history here, and it’s a great campus. It’s all good.”

Students and families also toured a Campus Expo in Feldman Ballroom, where various University departments provided information. On Wednesday evening, President Seligman and other University officials greet the students at the annual Convocation ceremony in Eastman Quad, followed by the signing of the Class of 2021 roll, a Celebration Dinner, and a Candlelight Ceremony.

Classes begin Wednesday, August 30.

In photos

Students arrived on River Campus and the Eastman School of Music on Wednesday, as new members of the Class of 2021.
(University photos / J. Adam Fenster)

smiling student in car
Lines of cars carrying eager students and families arrive at Park Lot as they prepare to make their way through River Campus.
large group of students, each with blue cart
Eastman School of Music students wait to assist their new classmates as they arrive downtown.
student standing next to car filled with luggage
Tara McAndrew ’19, resident advisor in Gilbert Hall, assists as international students move in.
Rocky yellowjacket mascot with cars
Rocky the Yellowjacket greets the friends and families of the Class of 2021.
Rocky welcomes Nathalie Leon ’21.
student sitting in car
Thomas Law ’21 waits with his family.
woman taking a photo with iPhone
Jeanette Delly, mother of incoming student Trevor, takes a photo of the the UR Pep Band as they entertain.
band between lines of cars
The UR Pep Band performs for the Move-In Day crowd.
two people, one pushing a cart and the other holding a cello
Dalanie Harris ’20, left, helps guide new Eastman School of Music student Samantha Donato ’21.
student running, pushing a large blue cart
Adrienne Hyde ’20 hustles to meet arriving students at Eastman’s downtown campus.
two students carrying bags in front of Rush Rhees Library
Emily Garrett ’21, left, gets some help on Move-in Day from Genesis Galindo ’20, a member of the D’Lions.
two students carrying a refrigerator
Football players Reyd William-Pedro ’21, left, and Jordan Clement ’21 share the load, carrying a refrigerator up to Susan B. Anthony Hall.
lots of people, with blurry motion
First-year students, their families, and current student volunteers create a buzz of activity in Susan B. Anthony Hall as more than 1,400 members of the Class of 2021 move in.
three students sitting on floor, looking at photos
Sarina Regehr ’21, Annabelle Zhou ’21, and Isabel Lieberman ’21 arrange Regehr’s room in the newly opened Genesee Hall.