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Zuhal Sultan, founder of the National Youth Orchestra of Iraq, to speak at the University of Rochester’s Interfaith Chapel and Eastman School of Music

WHEN/WHERE: Saturday, Sept. 19 at 1 p.m. (Sanctuary, Interfaith Chapel) and 7 p.m. (Ciminelli Lounge, Eastman Student Living Center)

WHAT: Internationally acclaimed musician and peace activist Zuhal Sultan will speak about her efforts to bring peace to Iraq through music in a power-point demonstration. Her appearance at the Interfaith Chapel is free and open to the public. Her appearance at the Eastman Student Living Center is for students only.

ABOUT SULTAN: The Baghdad native founded the National Youth Orchestra of Iraq in 2009 at age 17, hoping to bring peace to her war-torn nation by bringing together youth of all ethnicities and religions. The NYOI includes 43 musicians – from the Shia, Sunni, Kurdish and Christian religions – and has performed to sold-out audiences throughout Europe. This is part of a 17-day speaking tour that begins in New York City and ends in San Francisco. Sultan was named 2015 Visionary of the Year by the Euphrates Institute.

ON-SITE MEDIA CONTACT: Rev. Denise Yarbrough, director, Religious and Spiritual Life at the Interfaith Chapel. Mobile: 315-406-6016.