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Proposal Development

Getting Started

Roles and Responsibilities in the Conduct of Sponsored Programs for Principal Investigators, Dean's Office, ORPA, Department Administrators and Staff, and Department Chairs
Memo from Steve Dewhurst, Interim Vice President for Research regarding UR Policy on Grant Proposal Deadlines
Instructions for requesting an eRACommons account, NSF Fastlane account, NYS Grants Gateway account, account, and to register in the eBRAP System for DOD
Link to NIH website for standard proposal due dates
NIH-CSR Resource for Early Stage Investigators
IORA (Integrated Online Research Administration) is the system used for grants and agreements management at the University of Rochester.


Budget Development

Memo explaining Fiscal 2015 - 2019 Facilities and Administrative Cost rates
For Proposals Effective 07/01/2023
Indirect F&A cost rate table showing current and previous F&A rates
Current and archived benefit rate information
Information regarding coverage of health insurance for PhD students.
NIH guidance on modular grant applications
ORPA guidance on modular grant applications
Forms H - effective for applications due on or after 1/25/23
NIH Website link
Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Stipends, Tuition/Fees and Other Budgetary Levels Effective for Fiscal Year 2024
NIH Website link
UR specific information to assist with proposal budgeting
UR specific information needed for most proposals
Research Subjects Review webpage
Memo regarding implementation of the NIH salary cap effective January 1, 2024


Other Proposal Components

Summary of UR SMD Shared Resources
URMC Research Website link
Cultural Support Letter Assistance - URMC - Elaine Smolock

Cultural Support Letter Assistance - RC - TBD

Contact information for assistance for Cultural Support Letters required for NIH-supported institutional training grant applications
Guidance on developing research data sharing plans
Required language for the NIH Multiple PI leadership plan
Overview of UR Interdisciplinary Centers
Resource information for the shops in the Laser Development and Engineering Division
Environmental Impact Questionnaire



A list of what needs to be submitted to ORPA with the proposal if a subcontract is included
Draft Guidance to include in NIH applicaitons with Fixed Price Subawards - inclusive and non-inclusive of Clinical Trials



Identifying all Sources of Support in Proposals for External Funding (additional guidance on pending support and biosketches can be found here)
Proposal Submission - Avoiding Common Pitfalls
University of Rochester Guidelines on Gifts from Corporations
NIH link for Basic Experimental Studies with Humans (BESH) Policies and Compliance
GDPR Question and Answer document for Researchers
ORPA Guide
Link to the Research website. "iThenticate is plagiarism detection software that is designed to be used by researchers to screen written work for originality. Utilization of iThenticate prior to proposal submission is optional, but highly encouraged."
List of IORA DOD Sponsors with Workday Sponsor IDs (SPNs)
NIH Website link
NIH document with helpful links/resources for select policy guidance, extramural grant program information, electronic research administration, training/outreach, and more
NIH document with helpful links/resources regarding rigor and reproducibility in NIH applications
NIH Website link - Data Management and Sharing Policy
NSF Website link - Proposal Guide for proposals submitted or due, and awards made, on or after January 30, 2023
NSF Website link - Proposal Guide for proposals submitted, or due, on or after May 20, 2024
NSF Website link

Application of On/Off Campus Facilities & Administrative (F&A) Cost Rates

UR Research Website link
UR and FISMA requirements

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