University of Rochester

Sustainability Home

Sustainability @ the
University of Rochester

Frequently Asked Questions

Question:  I see a small white truck driving around River Campus.  What is this vehicle and what do we use it for at the University?

electric truckAnswer:  Mail Services, a department with University Facilities and Services, has recently added a MILES electric trunk to their fleet so they can deliver moderate volumes of mail around the University without burning fossil fuels.  The truck can carry up to 300 lbs of mail and has a range of 50-60 miles, which is perfect for an urban University such as ours.  It takes about 6 hours to recharge the batteries at daily cost of $0.43 to the University.  

Question:  I see a lot of small, personal refrigerators scattered in offices through the University.  These small refrigerators do run all of the time so I suspect that they use up considerable electricity.  Shouldn’t they be encouraged to unplug/remove these refrigerators?

Answer:  We highly encourage that people combine their needs by sharing refrigerators!  Did you know that in most homes the refrigerator is the second-largest user of electricity (13.7%), right after the air conditioner (16%)? To give you an idea of the impact, a small dorm-type refrigerator (2 cu. ft.) costs about $20 to run annually.  Larger refrigerators increase those costs: 12 cu.ft. = $30 and 24 cu.ft. refrigerator/freezer = $40.   In fact, this is one of the action items individuals can choose on the Go Green Pledge.  Take it now at 

Question:  I am really proud to work at an organization that is doing so much to help the environment! However, I work in the Medical Research Building, and am wondering why we cannot recycle cans and bottles?

Answer:  There are some unique challenges that exist in placing containers for metal/glass/plastic throughout the MC.  Some of these issues include pest control, fire code restrictions, service logistics and more recently in light of economic challenges is the issue of funding.  Although the recycling of bottles and cans at the MC seems to happen more frequently behind the scenes, with departmental collection programs, than in the public eye there are some existing options.  Currently you can take any metal, glass, or #1 & #2 plastic containers to the Courtyard Café, the MRB Café (probably most convenient for you), or the House of Six Nations Cafeteria.  Soon you will also see the addition of recycling containers in the Flaum Atrium for your use.