Become a Green Rep
For Employees
Find out what steps you can take to help Rochester be ever greener.
Every employee can contribute to a more sustainable University of Rochester. From creating new learning opportunities to improving how we work, explore our tools and resources.
Here are some steps you can take today:
Faculty interested in teaching and research opportunities can contact Karen Berger (Earth and Environmental Sciences) at
Green Reps
Green Reps are employees from across the entire University of Rochester who care about workplace sustainability. We are comprised of University employees who are interested in championing sustainability, promoting green initiatives, and supporting eco-conscious change within departments.
When you join the Green Reps, we’ll give you tips, tools and resources, then you take it from there.
Green Reps serve as:
We champion sustainability efforts and promote green initiatives through e-communications, events, and day-to-day colleague interactions.
We can present and represent your views, concerns, and priorities to University leadership.
Raising awareness is important to the University’s sustainability efforts. We spotlight the many ways you can go green every day at Rochester.
Sign up to become a Green Rep
Interested in being a Green Rep?
Join fellow employees to build a culture for improved eco-friendly systems and behaviors. You’ll also be subscribed to our newsletter, The Compost, to help you stay in the loop of Green Rep initiatives. There’s no limit to the number of Green Reps in an office or department. Sign up now.
Here’s what to expect:
- You will receive a regular e-newsletter, The Compost, which contains tools, tips, and resources. You can choose to simply receive the information and stay in the loop, share the information within your departments, or take the information to help introduce or improve sustainable practices.
- We’ll offer information and suggestions, but you have the flexibility to implement sustainable strategies in ways that work best for you and your colleagues. We also welcome your ideas and input about what works and what doesn’t when it comes to going green at the University of Rochester.
Meet the Green Reps working group
Contact us at or complete the online form to reach out.