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Transfers and Promotions

This policy applies to: All staff. (Individuals represented by collective bargaining agreements receive benefits in accordance with those agreements.)

I. Policy

Transfers are an important means of assuring the best possible match of University jobs to individual skills, of developing and expanding individual skills and experience, and of achieving University goals of equal employment opportunity and promotion from within. Therefore, generally on the individual staff member’s initiative and occasionally, as a part of an administratively initiated change, the University may reassign staff by transferring them from one position to another. Supervisors are expected to be receptive to and encourage such changes.

II. Guidelines

A. Definitions

  1. Transfer – includes transfer to another classification in the same pay grade or to another department without a change in classification as well as demotions-transfer to a classification in a lower pay grade
  2. Promotion–transfer to a classification in a higher pay grade.
  3. Job Family Change–transfer to a position in a different job family. This transfer requires the Office of Human Resources to determine whether the resultant action would be a promotion or a transfer.

B. Eligibility

All staff members who have completed their probationary period (or at least one-year of service for Professional, Administrative and Supervisory Staff (PAS) (including those paid hourly) may apply for any posted vacancy within the University. Staff members must have a record of at least satisfactory performance in order to be considered for promotion or transfer. Hourly paid staff members in nonexempt job classifications who have not completed their probationary period in their present position, or PAS (including those paid hourly) staff who have not completed one year in their present position, must receive permission from their supervisor to seek a promotion or transfer before submitting a resume to a department.

C. Notice to Supervisor

Employees should inform their supervisor as early as possible that they are seeking a promotion or transfer. They may have an exploratory interview before informing their supervisor. It is the responsibility of the staff member to notify his/her supervisor that he/she is seeking a promotion or transfer, before formally interviewing for any position with an employing department. Employees need to be assured that this will not negatively affect their relationship with their current supervisor or organization.

When a staff member is selected to fill a vacancy in another department or another unit of the same department:

  1. Hourly paid staff in nonexempt job classifications are expected to provide their supervisor with two weeks’ notice
  2. PAS staff (including those paid hourly) are expected to provide their supervisor with one month’s notice.
  3. Supervisors will facilitate staff promotions or transfers to a new position within the time listed above unless delay is acceptable to the employing department

D. Assignment of Rates of Pay

Departments should consult with The HR Service Center in conjunction with the annual wage and salary guidelines to determine pay rates on a promotion or transfer.

E. Assignment of Benefits

Upon promotion or transfer, the staff member will be eligible for benefits based on the new position, work status, employment status and salary.

III. Procedures

A. Staff members should submit an updated resume for a specific job opening directly to the hiring department via PeopleSoft self service (applies to non-represented positions only).

B. Staff whose qualifications best suit the requirements for the job openings will be considered by the hiring departments.

C. Prior to participating in a formal interview, the employee should notify his/her immediate supervisor as described in II. C. above.

D. Prior to making a job offer to a candidate the hiring supervisor should review the employees past performance record and seek a verbal reference from the employee’s current supervisor.

E. Job offers are coordinated with HR-Employment Services. Offers cannot be made without the prior review and approval of Human Resources. An offer made to anyone without the express approval from the Office of Human Resources will not be considered an official offer of employment with the University.

When a University of Rochester employee applies for a promotion or new position with cash handling responsibilities, HR will conduct an updated criminal background check. The offer of employment will be contingent upon the successful completion of all pre-employment requirements, including the updated criminal background check.

For the purposes of this policy, ‘cash handling’ is defined as access to, or oversight of, petty cash, or a cash drawer. Examples include, but are not limited to, the Bursar’s office, the Cashier’s office, Cafeteria cashier positions, or positions in medical practices where payments are accepted.

F. When a candidate moves into a new job, via promotion or transfer, Human Resources will verify the education. All offers for transfers and promotions are contingent upon successful verification of education and all other pre-placement requirements.

G. In the event that there are institutional considerations or significant penalties to the organization losing a given employee, the losing and gaining organizations should work together to assure that institutional objectives are met without penalizing the employee in question. The Human Resource Service Center along with the divisional Human Resource Business Partner can facilitate these discussions as necessary.

See also: