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Student Internships in Data Science

About the Opportunity

Data Science internships for undergraduate and graduate students of the University of Rochester are paid through the New York State Center of Excellence (CoE) in Data Science. The internship experience is created in collaboration with our company partners.

  • The CoE Internship Program supports small businesses (organizations with under 100 employees) and startups in New York by:
    • Funding a 2 month summer internship experience that assists in reaching a data science business objectives
    • This experience provides positive economic impact in New York State
    • Companies and Organizations seeking to be a part of this program can find out more on our Internship Partnership Program website

Student Benefits

  • The Center of Excellence in Data Science provides a paid two-month summer internship with a University and center partnership organization
  • Experience in working for a New York State based company utilizing skills and methods learned in coursework by solving real-world data science problems
  • Depending on the company and position description, intern work will be completed either through on-site, virtual or hybrid means

Student Expectations

This program is available because of a partnership created between the University of Rochester, The Center of Excellence in Data Science and a New York State company or organization. As a student intern you are representing not only yourself but the University or Rochester, and the Center of Excellence in Data Science. Your actions can have direct effect on the reputation of these entities and the future relationships. Please keep this in mind when considering this program and before accepting any position should you be offered it.

  • Applicants expected to read the following Greene Center Article
  • Applicants must be full-time University of Rochester students in good standing at the time of the internship experience
  • Interns will be expected to report back to the CoE on the experience through a survey at the end of internship
  • Companies will also be giving feedback on student performance and the economic impact on New York State
  • The CoE wants to highlight your success! Interns and companies will be asked to participate in various opportunities to help promote the future growth of the program through social media

Internship Employment Process and Timeline

***Important Update*** There has been a slight delay in the process of this program and we have adjusted part of the timeline below to reflect that. (Updated 08.08.2024)

  • January 17: Call for Company Internship Descriptions – with company expectations overview

  • February 21: Deadline for All Company Job Descriptions Proposals

  • February 28: Partnership Decision letters sent to all companies with Affiliation Agreement

  • March 7: Signed Affiliation Agreements from Company/Organization Due

  • March 14: Post all Summer Job Descriptions – Include Greene Center Job Acceptance Etiquette Text

  • April 4: Student Candidate Applications sent to Company Representatives

  • April 7-25: Company Interview Process

  • April 30: Candidate Offer Decisions Due to CoE

  • May 7: Offer letters sent to successful candidates with a decision due date for signed confirmation

  • May 9: Student accepted offer signatures due date

  • June 2: Internship Experience begins

  • August 29: Business Economic Impact Report Form Sent to companies

  • August 29: Intern Evaluations Form sent to interns

  • September 5: Business/Organization Economic Report Due

  • September 5: Intern Evaluation Forms

NOTE due to individual company commitments there may be unexpected delays to this process, feel free to reach out to Nick Koziol at with any questions.

Current Openings on Handshake

Summer 2025 positions will be posted when they become available.  Other positions are possibly available on the Handshake Job Portal