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Internship Partnership Program

Internship Partnership Program Overview

The New York State Center of Excellence (CoE) in Data Science at the University of Rochester offers a Data Science Internship Program. We recognize that for some organizations data science is a valuable tool for identifying business opportunities, supporting decision making, and developing business strategies, while for others it is an integrated component of the products they develop or services they offer. With that broad perspective, this program aims to support small businesses and startups in New York in reaching their business objectives by facilitating their access to student talent in data science. The Center funds two-month summer internship projects for small businesses/organizations that are selected from proposals submitted by companies interested in partnering with us.

Proposals for Summer 2024 are closed. Submission Deadline was Friday, February 23, 2024. Please email Nick Koziol with any inquires about Summer 2025 at

Undergraduate and Graduate Students can learn more about internships by visiting the student internship opportunity site.


Computer screen with data on it

Application Process and Program Timeline

  • January 20: Open Call for Company/Organization Internship Proposal Forms
  • February 21: Deadline for All Company/Organization Internship Proposals Forms Due
  • February 28: Program Partnership Decision letters sent to all companies with Affiliation Agreement
  • March 7: Signed Affiliation Agreements from Company/Organization Due
  • March 14: Post all Summer Job Position Descriptions
  • April 7: Student Candidate Applicants are sent to Companies/Organizations
  • April 8-25: Company/Organizations Conducts Interview Process
  • April 30: Internship Candidate Offer Decisions Due to CoE
  • May 7: Offer letters sent to successful candidates with a decision due date for signed confirmation
  • May 12: Student Accepted Offer Due Date
  • June 2: June/July Internship Experience begins
  • June 30: July/August Internship begins
  • August 30: Business Economic Impact Report Form Sent to companies
  • August 30: Intern Evaluations Form sent to interns
  • September 6: Business/Organization Intern Evaluation and Economic Impact Form Due
  • September 6: Intern Evaluation Forms Due

Internship Details

  • CoE will fully sponsor a current student from the University of Rochester for two months
  • Student will have a background in data science
  • Intern will work at your organization for two months during their summer semester schedule
  • The Center compensates the student for their internship and no financial contribution from your company will be expected
  • Companies can extend the term of the internship at their own expense
Two people shake hands over a desk

Business Partner Expectations

  • Businesses need to be registered in New York State and employ 100 employees or fewer
  • Company will need to provide a Data Science related project of their choice
  • Proposed project will be evaluated in terms of the Data Science relevance and value of real life experience to the educational benefit of the student
  • Interns will need supervision from a professional at your company, an in-person, virtual or hybrid work environment, and resources for the student to succeed in the project
  • Since the center is supported by Empire State Developmentā€™s Division of Science, Technology and Innovation (NYSTAR). Our goal is to promote economic development in New York State. We will be requiring you to provide any economic impact realized as a result of this project – general cost savings, increased revenue, etc. (minimum impact would be $8000 stipend received by students from the CoE)


Picture of Nick KoziolContact Nick Koziol, Manager of Business Engagement and Communications of the CoE Data Science at or schedule a virtual meeting.