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Faculty and staff: What to expect for the fall 2021 semester

UPDATE: August 26, 2021

Effective September 27, 2021, the University of Rochester will require all faculty and staff to be vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus. This requirement to be vaccinated supersedes all previously communicated deadlines regarding vaccination reporting and testing for unvaccinated employees, including the vaccination-related information included in the message below.

Read the most recent update

As guidance from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and from New York State continues to be updated, the Coronavirus University Restart Team (CURT) and senior leadership have updated the guidance for the fall on the University’s non-Medical Center campuses.

Currently, Monroe County’s rate of COVID infections is “high,” according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), meaning wearing a mask indoors in public and shared spaces will maximize individuals’ protection from the Delta variant. These guidelines will be updated as additional CDC, county and New York State guidance is distributed, so please check back regularly to the COVID-19 Resource Center site. For the latest Medical Center updates, see the URMC Intranet.

Face masking

On August 10, 2021, the University of Rochester reinstated a face-masking requirement for everyone indoors on the University’s campuses and properties, regardless of vaccination status. This is intended to be a temporary safety measure until COVID transmission rates have declined sufficiently in Monroe County, and if COVID-19 case numbers remain low at the University; visit the University’s COVID-19 Dashboard for updates on confirmed cases on all University campuses.

All students, faculty, staff, visitors, and tenants—including those who are fully vaccinated—must wear a face mask while indoors on any of the University’s campuses and properties. For full details on the face mask requirements on the Medical Center campus, see the COVID-19/Redesigned intranet portal (URMC credentials required).

This University-wide face-masking mandate differs from policies in place during the last academic year in that physical distancing is not currently part of the requirement.

Vaccination requirements

Employees need to be vaccinated against COVID-19 or submit to frequent regular COVID testing and stricter safety protocols, including daily symptom tracking and masking indoors at all times.

To implement this requirement and to manage public health at the University, all faculty and staff, including those who are working in a hybrid model or remotely, are required to report their vaccination status by completing the online COVID Vaccine Participation Form.

Dr. Chat Bot

Dr. Chat Bot is a brief daily health screening for COVID-19 symptoms that helps to keep the University community healthy and helps University Health Service (UHS) closely monitor health and wellness on campus. It is completed on a smartphone, tablet, or computer.

Dr. Chat Bot participation is once again required for all faculty, staff, and students.

To access the Dr. Chat Bot screening tool, all faculty, staff, and students should use this link.

Shared spaces and facility density

Fully vaccinated students, faculty, and staff who are alone and not in a public or shared space may unmask. The following guidelines assume adherence to appropriate masking for everyone:

  • Conference Rooms: Conference rooms may operate at full capacity. Any in-person meetings or group activities in conference rooms or other indoor spaces should be conducted with everyone being masked—regardless of vaccination status.
  • Offices: Offices may operate at full capacity.
  • Cubicles: Office cubicles may operate at full capacity, and assessment on the need for physical barriers should be performed for those unvaccinated.
  • Classrooms: Classrooms may operate at full capacity. In the classroom, fully vaccinated instructors who can maintain greater than 6 feet distance from all class participants can unmask while instructing; class attendees must remain masked and the instructor should re-mask when class instruction is complete.
  • Performance Space: Performance space may operate at full capacity, however all unvaccinated singers and wind instrument players need to maintain 6 feet of separation along with wearing a mask. All others performers must wear a mask, but distancing rules need not be applied.
  • Elevators: Elevators may operate at full capacity.
  • Communal kitchens/break rooms: Communal kitchens, break rooms and other shared spaces may operate at full capacity. Adherence to current indoor masking rules is required.
  • University Shuttles: All individuals, regardless of vaccination status, are required to wear a mask when utilizing public transportation including University of Rochester shuttle buses.
  • Interfaith Chapel and other religious services: For any religious or funeral service, congregants/attendees must be masked. Any music-making must follow the rules in place for performance across the University.

Outdoors, everyone who is not fully vaccinated should wear a face mask on campus when physical distancing isn’t possible.

Visitors and guests

Visitors and guests are allowed on the University’s campuses since June 1, 2021. The current visitor policy allows for all individuals regardless of vaccination status to visit campus. When inside any building on a campus, all individuals must wear a face mask, and anyone who is not vaccinated on campus should wear a mask outdoors when attending crowded settings, events, and gatherings.

Campus units hosting a minor as a visitor for a program or camp should ensure health screening questions are asked of their visitors. For units hosting visiting students or scholars from outside the US, reference guidance on the Global Engagement website.

Campus dining

Campus Dining locations are operating at full occupancy. For indoor dining, some limited dining space will be available for those who wish to be physically distant. When eating in Rochester Dining locations or other public or shared spaces on campus, everyone should remain masked up to the point of starting a snack, or meal, remove their face mask to eat, and then re-mask when done.

Events (including Eastman and Memorial Art Gallery)

As of August 1, 2021, all non-academic indoor and outdoor campus events and gatherings will be allowed, per New York State guidelines, and will adhere to normal approval processes. All participants will need to wear masks indoors.

Events off campus do not need pre-approval, provided that these events follow all state guidelines and remain under New York State social gather limits. For larger scale events, you may choose to install the following requirements: Fully vaccinated participants must show proof of vaccination via Excelsior Pass, UR Pass, paper form, UR COVID vaccination sticker etc.

Academics and instruction

In the classroom, fully vaccinated instructors who can maintain greater than 6 feet distance from all class participants can unmask while instructing; class attendees must remain masked and the instructor should re-mask when class instruction is complete.

The normal classroom occupancy numbers can be used for classes. There are no requirements for windows to be opened or fans to be installed in instructional spaces. All HVAC system modifications with filters or increased air exchanges made earlier in the pandemic remain in place.

Remote learning will be available for international students outside the United States who cannot physically arrive to be present on campus.


Laboratories and other research facilities can operate in-person and at or near their normal capacity. All individuals will be required to wear masks while working in a lab with others. Academic and research visitors continue to be allowed on campus.


All University travelers—students, faculty and staff—regardless of destination or origin, are required to follow the current New York State travel requirements.

Everyone traveling internationally should review the entry requirements of the destination and considerations for an intended return to the US. If your visa has expired, your return trip could be delayed as many US Consular offices remain closed or with limited services available (look up visa wait times by location). Additionally, travelers from certain areas are subject to US entry restrictions, which can change with little notice (see State Department’s summary of coronavirus travel proclamations and national interest exceptions). Students and employees on visas sponsored by the University should contact the International Services Office (ISO) prior to travel to secure any needed travel authorizations for visa purposes.

All University travelers traveling outside the US should register their travel with the University’s travel registry to ensure institutional communication and travel assistance coverage while abroad.

Faculty, staff, post-docs, and graduate students

University-funded and grant-funded travel

University business travel, whether University-funded or grant-funded, must follow standard University Business Travel processes. See the Business Expense and Travel Reimbursement (BETR) website for more information.

For international travel requests, whether University-funded or grant-funded, a risk consultation provided by the Office for Global Engagement is required. Completion of the Workday Spend Authorization prior to travel will route essential travel requests to the appropriate individuals. Additional information is available on the Business Expense and Travel Reimbursement website. Additionally, for University-funded international travel, pre-approval from a Cabinet-level officer is required.

Personal travel

Faculty, staff, post docs, and graduate students traveling should closely follow New York State’s travel guidance before making travel plans, and should be mindful of any current testing and quarantine requirements as part of this.

Plan for tracking and responding to infection surge

The University will follow CDC, New York State, and Monroe County guidance as warnings of a COVID surge in Monroe County or among the University community become apparent, The CURT and the University Emergency Operations Committee (EOC) will continue to coordinate University planning.  These groups will respond to significant changes with consideration of additional control interventions (e.g., limitations on gatherings, limitation on in-person instruction, shutdown certain operations or areas) and/or enhanced surveillance (e.g. asymptomatic testing).