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Updated face mask, social distancing guidance for meeting spaces

Update June 23, 2021: As announced, the University is lifting many COVID-19 restrictions. See the full announcement.

The below interim guidance was shared on June 15, 2021, but individuals should reference the latest guidance for full details.

The Coronavirus University Restart Team (CURT) and senior leadership are introducing interim guidance, effective immediately, that allows faculty, staff and students who are fully vaccinated the ability to safely unmask when participating in meetings in campus conference rooms, meeting rooms, and research areas (excluding classroom settings and clinical care areas). See FAQs on the University-wide changes now in effect.

The University’s Medical Center campuses this week implemented this change, and it is now being broadened to be University-wide. Given Governor Cuomo’s announcement on Tuesday, June 15 about the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions state-wide, this should be considered interim guidance. Senior leadership is currently considering the implications of this new guidance, and when the University issues new guidelines, the updates will be communicated quickly and broadly. Planning is also underway—in cooperation with academic deans—to provide updated mask-wearing and social distancing policies for the University’s classroom settings, which will affect not only fall semester classes, but also summer classes currently being held at some schools.

Interim guidance for masks in meeting settings

This policy for groups and meetings requires that all participants may show proof of their full vaccination through one of several ways: an official vaccination card; the UR COVID-19 Vaccine Status app (for students), the New York State Excelsior Pass; an optional vaccination sticker on ID badge. The Medical Center has provided vaccination stickers to its employees, and plans are being developed to distribute those stickers to employees who work in other areas of the campus. More information on distribution plans will be provided shortly.

  • Fully vaccinated groups of faculty, staff and students do not need to wear masks or be socially distanced for indoor meetings in conferences rooms, meeting rooms, and research labs. When everyone in the meeting is fully vaccinated, occupancy is permitted up to pre-COVID room capacity.
  • For indoor meetings, the responsibility for ensuring all in-person participants are vaccinated lies with the organizer of the meeting. For meetings of more than 10 people, the organizer should verify vaccination in advance of the meeting.
  • For groups that include anyone who is not fully vaccinated or who declines to report vaccine status, masks and physical distancing are required until the University announces updated guidelines. Occupancy currently remains limited to COVID-designated room capacity.
  • Faculty, staff and students who are not fully vaccinated must continue to maintain 6 feet of social distancing indoors and, unless they are alone in an enclosed office/room, must wear a mask. The University requires masks and 6 feet of social distancing in indoor settings where vaccination status of individuals is unknown. Everyone must continue to wear masks in public areas until further notice.
  • All individuals, regardless of vaccines status, will be supported if they choose to wear a mask.
  • Unmasked individuals should be prepared to validate vaccine status via a copy of their official immunization card, the UR COVID-19 Vaccine Status app (for students), the New York State Excelsior Pass; an optional vaccination sticker on ID badge (for Medical Center), or other proof of vaccination as implemented by the University.
Exceptions to this interim guidance:
  • All individuals, regardless of vaccination status, should wear appropriate face coverings in clinical health care areas.
  • All individuals, regardless of vaccination status, engaged in programs involving minors must wear masks at all times and maintain 6 feet of physical distancing wherever possible indoors, and must wear masks outdoors whenever 6 feet of physical distancing cannot be maintained.

Outside of these changes for meetings, the current face mask and physical distancing requirements on University campuses still apply until further notice: masks need to be worn indoors, and they should still be worn by people who are not fully vaccinated when outdoors. All individuals are required to wear masks outdoors when attending crowded settings, events, and gatherings.

These guidelines will likely be updated as the fall semester draws nearer, so please check back regularly to the COVID-19 Resource Center site.

Explore FAQs related to these changes

Dr. Chat Bot reminder

Dr. Chat Bot continues to be mandatory every day for students, faculty and staff who plan to be on campus, including at the Medical Center or any University-owned or -leased space. This is required of both vaccinated and un-vaccinated individuals.