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A Message From the Dean

                              The School of Nursing has always been a pioneer. We were among the first to develop
                               the innovative nurse practitioner/clinical nurse specialist education and clinical
                               practice, and the first to develop and implement the unification model, integrating
                               education, research, and practice and connecting the classroom and laboratory to real-
                               world experience.

                               It is in this spirit that we aspire to exemplify the University’s motto, Meliora,
                              “ever better,” in all that we do. The timing could not be more critical. Health care is at
                               a crossroads, with a need to increase efficiency, control costs, and enhance delivery of
                               care—even as the graying of America places extraordinary demand on the system.

                               Nurses will be part of the solution. Tomorrow’s nurses will have more responsibility
                               for health care strategy and delivery than ever before. They will increasingly take
                               the lead in solving many of health care’s most pressing challenges. They will work
                               collaboratively with teams of physicians and other health care professionals to
                               promote health and wellness, manage complex illnesses and chronic diseases, and
                               improve quality of life. They will use and develop science to inform practice and create
                               a healthier world.

                              With your help, the School of Nursing will remain at the forefront in all that we do.
                              We will prepare the next generation of nurse leaders ready to take on careers in patient
                               care, research, policy, and academia. To do so will require continued investments that
                               position us to attract the brightest students and faculty, strengthen areas of research
                               excellence, and provide exceptional opportunities for our students to interact with
                               patients and families.

                              The Campaign for the School of Nursing—part of The Meliora Challenge: The
                               Campaign for the University of Rochester—seeks to secure $25 million to grow our
                               endowment and position our School for long-term success. I encourage you to put us
                               first on your contribution horizon. Together, we can shape the future of nursing and
                               health care. We did it together once before; we hope you join us in doing it again.


                               Kathy H. Rideout, EdD, PNP-BC, FNAP
                               Dean, University of Rochester School of Nursing

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