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Leading the Future of Care

                                             By the year 2025, the population of our country’s older citizens is expected to
             We are positioned to            double. Nurses will play a crucial role in preventing disease and providing care
             be one of the nation’s          to the aging and chronically ill within a diverse patient population. Despite their

             leaders in educating            increasing importance, however, it is estimated that the U.S. will face a shortage
             the next generation of          of 800,000 nurses by 2020.
             clinicians and scientists.      In response, the Institute of Medicine’s Future of Nursing Report has challenged
             The stakes are high as          universities to increase the number of bachelor-prepared nurses by 80%, double
             health care continues           the number of nurses with doctoral degrees, and broaden the scope of practice
             to evolve. Gifts in the         for advance practice nurses. Not only do we need more nurses, we also need
             form of current use and         more nursing faculty who are prepared to educate the next generation of nurses

             endowed scholarships            and continue to advance the science of our profession.
             provide essential               It is not enough, however, just to graduate more nurses. The School of Nursing
             support that ensures            is fundamentally rethinking how nurses are educated and deployed in the
             we are able to provide          workforce. We must prepare students for a wide range of careers not just at
             the best programs, now          the bedside, but in the laboratory, classroom, and boardroom—and in the
             and in the future.              communities where they live and work.

                                             Here is a prime example: through the Institute for Innovative Education,
                                             nursing and medical students from the School of Nursing and the School of
                                             Medicine and Dentistry are learning in a cooperative environment that blends
                                             our educational traditions with emerging technologies. This unique partnership
                                             builds on our history of innovation and educating for the future. With your
                                             support of this program and others, we can ensure that our graduates will be
                                             among our nation’s leading educators, practitioners, and researchers.

                                                                                        The Campaign for the School of Nursing  4
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