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Continuing a Lifelong
        Local Roots,                                                                 Commitment to Nursing

        Global Impact

        Faculty and students at the School of Nursing are continually
        working on solutions to today’s health issues, embracing the
        wonders of new technology, and building important research
        partnerships with their peers at the University of Rochester
        Medical Center and colleagues across the United States and
        the world.

        •   In an effort to promote healthy aging, a team of scientists
            is looking at ways to slow cognitive decline in the older
            population. Studies have shown that healthy individuals with
            heart disease, or those at risk to get heart disease, are more apt       Sarah Brody Epstein and
            to lose cognitive capacity. Using this knowledge, researchers             Rachel Brody Bandych
            are focusing on activities that make the brain “sweat” to help
            people regain cognitive retention and prevent further decline.
                                                                                  “My mother was of small stature, but when
        •   In collaboration with the University’s Hajim School of                she spoke, we listened,” says Rachel
            Engineering & Applied Sciences, nurse scientists are                  Brody Bandych of the late Ruth Miller
            developing a medical device that encourages adolescents to            Brody, director of the School of Nursing
            monitor their asthma symptoms. Technology incorporated                from 1951–1954.
            into the mobile phone will allow for the collection of raw
            data (wheezes and coughs) through a microphone and                    It was because of their mother’s wishes
            accelerometer. Data is automatically processed, analyzed, and         that Rachel and her sister, Sarah Brody
            stored, and can be reviewed on the phone’s screen.                    Epstein, chose to establish the Ruth Miller
                                                                                  Brody and Bernard B. Brody Nursing
        Your gift to the campaign will help build four nationally                 Professorship at the School of Nursing.
        recognized Centers of Excellence at the School of Nursing to
        promote good health and prevent disease, improve health care              “Our parents instilled in my sister and
        delivery systems, address chronic illness and palliative care, and        me a deep respect for nursing and the
        manage symptoms across diverse populations.                               School as a whole,” Bandych says. “As the

                                                                                  School’s director at one time, our mother
                                                                                  felt supporting research and faculty was
                                                                                  The Brody Professorship has had a
            You can help fuel new discoveries. With additional
                                                                                  significant impact on the School’s ability
            funds we are able to offer more professorships to
                                                                                  to grow its academic programs and
            outstanding faculty members, allowing them to
                                                                                  recruit the most talented faculty and
            pursue cutting-edge research. Your philanthropy
            provides the seed money needed to fund the
            development of potentially life-changing ideas and                    “It’s amazing to hear about the work the

            could fund a Visiting Professors series, bringing the                 School is doing,” Bandych says. “It’s very
                                                                                  gratifying knowing we played a role in
            greatest minds in the field of research to Rochester.
                                                                                  helping that work to be done.”
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