Page 2 - School of Medicine and Dentistry Timeline | University of Rochester Medical Center
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A ief  history

                                                The School of Medicine and Dentistry

                                                In 1910, Abraham Flexner, under the auspices of the   The medical school opened in 1925 and Strong Memorial
                                                Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching,   Hospital opened its doors as a 250-bed community facility
                                                published a report on medical schools that led to a   in 1926. The University of Rochester School of Medicine
                                                revolution in how medicine was taught across the country.  and Dentistry graduated its first class in 1929.

                                                By 1920, Flexner approached Dr. Benjamin Rush Rhees,   Whipple’s vision, built on the philanthropy of George
                                                then president of the University of Rochester, with the   Eastman, was a school and a hospital under one roof that

                                                idea of establishing a medical school at the university   integrated basic science and clinical practice. Today, that
                                                that would utilize his revolutionary ideals in medical   concept of physically integrating patient care and academics
                                                education. Flexner and Rhees then approached George   under one roof is still going strong.
                George Hoyt Whipple and
                  Abraham Flexner, 1954         Eastman, founder of Eastman Kodak, to help back the   Students in the School are educated by the Double Helix
                                                idea financially. Additional monies came from the General
                                                                                                    Curriculum, integrating the basic science and clinical
                                                Education Board of the Rockefeller Foundation and the
          ON THE COVER:                         daughters of the late Henry Alvah Strong, former business   medicine strands of medical education and weaving them
          Clockwise, from top left: School of   partner to George Eastman, to build a university, medical   throughout the four-year curriculum.
          Medicine department chairs 1925;
                                                school, and hospital on land located on the southern   The School of Medicine and Dentistry transformed the
          University President Rush Rhees laying
                                                boundaries of the City of Rochester near the banks of the   future of medicine in Rochester and nationwide when it
          the medical school's cornerstone;
                                                Genesee River.                                      created the biopsychosocial model of education. Developed
          original bronze plaque now located in
                                                                                                    by Drs. George Engel and John Romano, this method
          a corridor in the Miner Library; Strong   The first dean of the medical school, Nobel Laureate
          Memorial Hospital entrance 1930;                                                          systematically considers biological, psychological, and social
                                                George Hoyt Whipple, M.D., came to Rochester in
          original lobby of Strong Memorial                                                         factors and their complex interactions in understanding
                                                1921, recruited from the University of California at San
          Hospital 1926 (now the Miner Library                                                      health, illness, and health care delivery.
                                                Francisco. Whipple helped shape the school from its
          reading room); and George Whipple
          addresses medical staff 1926, in an   inception, hiring faculty and staff and supervising the
          auditorium later named after him.     design and construction of buildings.
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