Page 4 - School of Medicine and Dentistry Timeline | University of Rochester Medical Center
P. 4

1920                                                         1934                                               1946

                                                                                        George Whipple is
                                                                                   awarded the Nobel Prize
                                                                                       for his research that
                                                         1925                        led to the alleviation of

                                                The first class of 20                   pernicious anemia.
                                                 men and 2 women
                                                  enters the School
                                                   on September 17
                                                      and begins a
                                                 20-week course in          1927
                                                         anatomy.           M. Elizabeth Marsh
              George Eastman gives $4 million  to                                                                        The building of Strong Memorial Hospital’s
              match a $5 million grant by John D.                           (Physiology-includes                        Wing R, one of the first psychiatric facilities
              Rockefeller, Jr., making possible the   Warren M. Sperry      Vital Economics) is the                      in the nation to function as an integral part
          School of Medicine and Dentistry. A plan   (biochemistry)         first woman to receive                                      of a university hospital.
          to develop the School in connection with   receives the first     a Ph.D. Degree.
         the University of Rochester is announced.   Ph.D. Degree.

                   1910                                        1920                                      1930                                        1940

                                                       Strong Memorial
                                                      Hospital opens its
                                                    doors to patients on
                                                            January 4.
                  George Hoyt Whipple is recruited as        1926
                    the first dean. He spends the next
                     few years organizing the School.
                                       1921                                          The first graduating class of the School.
                                                                                                                                                     SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AND DENTISTRY
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