Page 6 - School of Medicine and Dentistry Timeline | University of Rochester Medical Center
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2001                  2006

                                                                                                     NIH awards its largest
                                                                                                     grant ever to the University   2013
                     1990                             1990s                                          selecting the School as one
                                                                                                     of 12 institutions to lead the   The University is named a
          Marshall A. Lichtman is                                                                    emerging field of clinical and   Center for AIDS Research
               appointed dean.                                                                                                     by NIH, a designation that
                                                                                                     translational research.
                                                                                                                                   infuses $7.5 million into
                                                                                                                                   HIV/AIDS work across the
                                                                                                     Wilmot Cancer Center          University and places it
                                                                               The first heart
                                                                               transplant at the     launches a Cancer Stem Cell   amongst the best in the
                                                                               Medical Center        Research Program, one of      nation for research to
                                                                                                     only three formal programs in
              1980s                          Arthur Moss conducts              is performed by       the U.S. at the time.         improve the prevention
                                                                                                                                   and treatment of the
        Ira Shoulson directs               groundbreaking research             H. Todd Massey.                                     disease.
        the clinical trial that     proving implantable defibrillators
       establishes Deprenyl          prevented sudden death in high-               2002                             2010
          as a treatment for           risk patients. His studies have             David S. Guzick            Mark B. Taubman
        Parkinson’s disease.         saved hundreds of thousands of                is appointed              is appointed dean.
                                             lives around the world.               dean.

     1980                                       1990                                       2000                                        2010

                                     Lowell A. Goldsmith is               Edward M. Hundert is
                                         appointed dean.                  appointed dean.
                                               1996                       2000

          Robert J. Joynt is                                                  The Medical Center     One of the greatest
          appointed dean.                                                       is the first in the   breakthroughs in cancer
          1985                                                                  nation to implant    prevention had its origins
                                                                               an investigational    at the Medical Center. The   The Health Sciences Center
                                                                              medical device that    human papillomavirus     for Computational Innovation
                                                                            lowers blood pressure    (HPV) vaccine became     opens and is home to IBM's next
                                                                                by activating the    available when it was    generation supercomputer—the
                               David H. Smith    Porter Anderson             body’s natural blood    approved by the FDA to   Blue Gene/Q—making it one of
                                                                              pressure regulation    prevent cervical cancer.   the 5 most powerful university-
                               The FDA approves the Haemophilus influenza type b      2005           It was created in part by   based supercomputing sites in the
                               (Hib) vaccine. The pioneering work in the development
                                                                                                                              nation. The facility is dedicated to
                                                                                                     virologists William Bonnez,
                                                                                                                              using cutting-edge computational
                               of the vaccine—which has virtually wiped out a leading
                                                                                                     Richard Reichman, and
                                                                                                                              power to solve health care's most
                               cause of meningitis in preschoolers—was done by
                                                                                                     Robert Rose.
                               David H. Smith and Porter W. Anderson.
                                                                                                                              complex problems.
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