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The Region’s Leader in Stroke Care and Research

         Every 40 seconds someone in the United States has a    In state-of-the-art facilities, we are employing new
         stroke. Nearly 130,000 people die from stroke every year,   imaging technologies that enable us to visualize viable
         but more than 795,000 people have a stroke and survive,   brain tissue, and we are using innovative devices that
         putting them at risk for major long-term disability.   are able to remove blood clots from the brain. With the
         Beyond stroke’s staggering individual impact, there is   help of these and other medical advances, including the
         a significant underlying economic effect, where the    expanded time windows for acute treatment, we are
         annual total cost of stroke care in Monroe County and   providing world-class care for stroke patients.
         surrounding regional counties is more than $228 million.
                                                                These improvements, coupled with educational
         Over the past decade, the University of Rochester Medical   programming, empower our collaborative partnerships,
         Center (URMC) has been a national source of stroke     such as the Stroke Treatment Alliance of Rochester, and
         expertise and leadership. Our multisystem approach,    help enable us to increase stroke awareness and care
         collaborative initiatives, and cutting-edge research are   across the region. Stroke care and research are entering
         allowing us to provide some of the most advanced,      a revolution, and we will be among its leaders.
         cost-effective care for stroke patients available.

         Two specialty programs at UR Medicine’s Strong Memorial  For the five previous years, the
         Hospital—Neurology and Neurosurgery—have been          specialties received “best” marks
         ranked among the top 50 in the nation for 2016-17 by   in patient services and advanced
         U.S. News & World Report. They are the only such       technologies, two important factors
         programs in upstate New York listed in the rankings.   in the programs’ high success rate.

         ON THE COVER

          Tarun Bhalla, MD, PhD, co-director of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Services, performs an endovascular treatment of
          an aneurysm in UR Medicine’s Hybrid Operating Room/Endovascular Suite.
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