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Four Days After a Large Clot is Removed,

                                  Bill Arena Goes Home

         “Dr. Bhalla gave me back my husband. We will forever be in his debt. He’s an incredible

         individual. And he has an incredible team.”  —Maryanne Arena

         Bill Arena had just received a haircut from his wife,   Using X-ray guidance, a catheter was inserted into a
         Maryanne, when he stopped talking mid-sentence and     blood vessel in Bill’s thigh and then threaded up to the
         had a dead look behind his eyes, like he was “frozen in   location of the clot. A stentriever was then inserted
         space.” Maryanne called 911 while her daughter, Jaime,   through the catheter and moved into a position just
         was able to walk Bill to a chair. Soon, he couldn’t talk or   beyond the clot. Once it was expanded to its full size,
         move his face, and the whole right side of his body was   the stentriever was pulled over the clot to capture it and
         paralyzed. Emergency Medical Technicians rushed Bill to   gently pull it into the catheter—and then, out of Bill’s
         Strong Memorial Hospital.                              body.

         Imaging revealed that a large clot—about the size of a   Bill was able to go home after a four-day stay in Strong’s
         quarter—was blocking the blood supply to the part of   Neuromedicine ICU. Within weeks, he was back working
         Bill’s brain that controlled his ability to talk and to move   on his horse farm, though his son, Lee, stayed close by his
         the right side of his body. Doctors told Maryanne there   side. After two months, Bill had resumed all of his regular
         was a procedure they could do that might help.         activities.
         She said, “Yes! Go save him!”
                                                                “Dr. Bhalla gave me back my husband. We will forever be
         Dr. Tarun Bhalla, co-director of Stroke and            in his debt. He’s an incredible individual. And he has an
         Cerebrovascular Services at UR Medicine, led a surgical   incredible team,” says Maryanne. “Strong is the best.
         team in a procedure called an endovascular embolectomy.   I just can’t say enough about them.”
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