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Help Us Transform Stroke Research & Care

         PROFESSORSHIPS IN STROKE RESEARCH AND                  UNIT—$250,000 TO $750,000
         CLINICAL CARE—$1,500,000 TO $2,000,000
                                                                You can support a community initiative that will help
                                                                save lives and reduce permanent brain damage and
         Endowed professorships are permanent funds that honor   disability to stroke victims. A Mobile Stroke Treatment
         acclaimed leaders who perform groundbreaking research,   Unit will significantly reduce the time from the
         mentor PhD candidates and early- and mid-career faculty,   beginning of symptoms to the delivery of care using
         and help us attract talented fellows, medical students, and   blood clot-busting medications—within minutes of the
         residents. They recognize and foster faculty excellence,   onset of the stroke—rather than waiting until after
         and are both the highest distinction the University can   the patient arrives at the hospital. The vehicle would
         bestow upon its faculty, as well as a vote of confidence   be the first in Rochester and the Western and Central
         in the faculty who receive them. Professorships also serve   New York regions, and includes a highly specialized
         as a powerful recruitment tool, drawing new faculty of   team and a CT scanner, and uses telemedicine to
         established merit from around the world.               communicate with the hospital.

                                                                PILOT PROJECTS/SEED FUNDS—$25,000 TO
         ENDOWED RESEARCH OR CLINICAL                           $100,000 (ANNUALLY)
         FELLOWSHIPS—$750,000 TO $1,500,000

                                                                Gifts for pilot projects or seed funds are “risk capital.”
         Young investigators and scientists are fundamental     These crucial funds allow scientists to shift the direction
 A Commitment to Supporting Stroke Care  to advancing biomedical research and translating   of their research to follow promising leads or new
         laboratory findings into treatments for disease. Your
                                                                ideas, propelling scientific discoveries in new ways.
         support of research fellows will help propel basic,    You can help give researchers the time they need to
         translational, and applied biomedical research by      push the boundaries of science and allow innovative
         fueling the imaginations of early  career scientists with   ideas in stroke therapy and procedures to reach their
         great potential. Clinical fellowships help our health care   full potential.
         practitioners hone their clinical skills and increase their
         knowledge of their chosen area of expertise, assimilate
         scientific evidence, and provide care of optimal value in   GEORGE  EASTMAN CIRCLE—$7,500 TO $50,000
         a rapidly changing clinical environment. Your support
         of clinical fellows will help improve patient  and     The George Eastman Circle is the University’s leadership
         family-centered care.
                                                                annual giving society. Pledges, payable for five years,
                                                                provide crucial, flexible support. Funds can help
                                                                provide ongoing support for education, research, and
                                                                patient care to the Departments of Neurology and

                             For more information about how your gift can
                           make an impact, please contact James O’Brien at:

                                                     (585) 276-6877
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