Toast to your Health wordmark logo with star burst

Special thanks to our volunteers and committee



Danny and Paula Wegman


Honorary Chairs

Sherwood Deutsch
Steven and Diane Feldon
R. Wayne and Beverly LeChase


Auction Chairs

The Flaum Family


Faculty Chair

David A. DiLoreto, Jr., MD, PhD
Professor and Chair, Department of Ophthalmology
Director, Flaum Eye Institute University of Rochester Medical Center


Live Auction Committee Chairs

Jamie and Loren Flaum


Silent Auction Committee Chairs

Sam Guerrieri
Anthony Gugino


Honorary Silent Auction Chair

James V. Aquavella, MD
Catherine E. Aquavella Distinguished Professor of Ophthalmology
University of Rochester Medical Center


Engagement Committee Chairs

Patrick Cunningham
Bob Duffy



Mark Agnello
Travis Betters
David Brown
R. Scott Burdett
Sam Defendorf
Alex DelMonte
Joel DiMarco
David Dworkin
Asher J. Flaum
Dan Goldstein
Bill Goodrich
Rhonda Goodrich
Rufus Judson
Rebecca Kerr-Jarrett
John Kozlowski
Kathy Landers
Peter Landers
Kara Maloney
Mike Maloney, MD
Cara Marchand
Steve McCluski
Jett Mehta
Kelly Miller
Michael Misch
Jeff Morse
Tim O’Connor, MD
Kenneth Ouriel, MD
Duffy M. Palmer
Bradley Papietro
Sara Flaum Ressler
Anthony Rotoli
Naomi Silver
Jim Verhey
Stephanie Von Bacho, EdD
Joshua Weitz, MD
Joe Wesley
Mary Zink