Vice President for Marketing and Communications
Page Hetzel named vice president for marketing and communications
August 9, 2023
Page Hetzel has been named the University’s first vice president for marketing and communications. Hetzel brings to the position extensive experience and expertise in areas such as brand management and advertising, digital marketing, communications strategy, global media relations, and leadership communications. She comes to Rochester from Stanford University, having served as their Graduate School of Business’s chief communications and marketing officer. Hetzel’s appointment is effective October 1, 2023.
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More about the position
The Vice President for Marketing and Communications is a newly redefined executive position at the University, which will play a critical role in showcasing the University of Rochester’s brand and stories to the world.
Reporting to the President, this role calls for an experienced leader to oversee and influence marketing and communication efforts across the University. The VP will create a comprehensive and strategic platform that unifies messaging and positioning for the University—conveying Rochester’s academic and research strengths, importance in national and global dialogues, and contributions to communities worldwide.
In addition, this central role will ensure that marketing and communications efforts across the University are consistent with an overarching brand, while also allowing for distinct sub-brands and messages for schools and units. Collaboration and relationship-building with internal and external University constituents will be critical to executing strategies that meet the many complex communication needs of a research-intensive University.
Search committee
An internal search committee was formed to help with the hiring process for this position.
- Thomas Farrell ’88, ’90W (MS), Committee Chair: Senior Vice President for University Advancement & Chief Advancement Officer
- Joseph Abrams ’74MBA, P’02: University Trustee
- Matthew Ardizzone ’97DMA: Marie Rolf Dean for Graduate Studies, Eastman School of Music
- Catherine Cerulli: Research Professor of Psychiatry in the School of Medicine and Dentistry
- Diane Crane: Associate Director, Donor Engagement Stewardship Reporting; Genesee Staff Council, Advancement District
- Katie Cutaia ’11MS: Deputy to the Dean, Simon Business School
- Christopher Deeney: Director & Distinguished Scientist, Laboratory for Laser Energetics
- Stephen Dewhurst: Interim Vice President for Research & Chief Research Officer; Professor and Chair, Microbiology and Immunology
- Kevin Garewal: Vice Provost & Andrew H. & Janet Dayton Neilly Dean of the University of Rochester Libraries
- Laurence Kessler: University Trustee
- Karen Chance Mercurius: Associate Vice President, Alumni and Constituent Relations
- Germaine Reinhardt: Vice President for Strategic Communications
- Joan Saab: Executive Vice Provost for Academic Affairs and Interim Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Science and Engineering
- James Ver Steeg ’15MS, ’16AC, ’21PHD: Deputy to the Provost