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Science & Technology
April 23, 2015 | 03:32 pm

Energy and Water bill includes $68 million for Laboratory for Laser Energetics

The FY 2016 House Energy and Water Development Appropriations bill approved by the House Appropriations Committee this week includes $68 million for the Laboratory for Laser Energetics, the same level as FY15, but $7.5 million above President Barack Obama’s request.

topics: government, Laboratory for Laser Energetics, research funding,
Science & Technology
April 14, 2015 | 11:54 am

Chemist Michael Neidig awarded Sloan Fellowship

Michael Neidig, an assistant professor of chemistry, has been recognized as a “rising star” by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. Neidig is one of 126 U.S. and Canadian researchers selected as recipients of Sloan Research Fellowships for 2015.

topics: awards, Department of Chemistry, fellowships, Michael Neidig, Sloan Research Fellowships,
Science & Technology
April 1, 2015 | 02:21 pm

Nanoparticles provide novel way to apply drugs to dental plaque

Therapeutic anti-bacterial agents intended to reduce dental plaque and prevent tooth decay are often removed by saliva and the act of swallowing before they can take effect. But a team of researchers has developed a way to keep the drugs from being washed away.

topics: Danielle Benoit, Department of Biomedical Engineering, drug treatments, Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Materials Science Program, nanoparticles, research finding, URnano,
Science & Technology
March 30, 2015 | 12:05 pm

Wearable technology can help with public speaking

Speaking in public is the top fear for many people. Now, students and faculty from the Human-Computer Interaction Group have developed an intelligent user interface for “smart glasses” that gives real-time feedback to the speaker on volume modulation and speaking rate, and have made the tool freely available for downloading.

topics: Department of Computer Science, Ehsan Hoque, Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Human-Computer Interaction Group, research finding,
Science & Technology
March 26, 2015 | 05:40 pm

Blocking cellular quality control mechanism gives cancer chemotherapy a boost

A University team found a way to make chemotherapy more effective by exposing cancer cells to a molecule that inhibits NMD (nonsense-mediated mRNA decay) prior to treatment with doxorubicin, a drug used to treat leukemia, breast, bone, lung and other cancers.

topics: cancer, Center for RNA Biology, Lynne Maquat, Medical Center, research finding,
Science & Technology
March 25, 2015 | 12:03 pm

Three Rochester scientists receive prestigious NSF CAREER awards

The National Science Foundation has granted its most prestigious award in support of junior faculty, the Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program, to three University researchers: Antonio Badolato, Danielle Benoit, and Michael Neidig.

topics: Antonio Badolato, awards, Danielle Benoit, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Department of Chemistry, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Michael Neidig, National Science Foundation,
Science & Technology
March 20, 2015 | 04:32 pm

Rochester researchers on team behind new gamma ray observatory

Some of the most energetic phenomena in the universe produce high-energy gamma rays, and a new observatory in Mexico aims to expand the catalog of known gamma ray sources.

topics: Department of Physics and Astronomy, global engagement, Mexico, School of Arts and Sciences, Segev BenZvi,
Science & Technology
March 20, 2015 | 10:54 am

New approach uses “twisted light” to increase the efficiency of quantum cryptography systems

Rochester researchers and their collaborators have developed a way to transfer 2.05 bits per photon by using “twisted light.” The new approach doubles the 1 bit per photon that is possible with current systems that rely on light polarization and could help increase the efficiency of quantum cryptography systems.

topics: Institute of Optics, Materials Science Program, photonics, research finding, Robert Boyd, School of Arts and Sciences,
Science & Technology
February 27, 2015 | 12:59 pm

Renowned expert to describe breakthroughs in data science

Eric Horvitz, director of Microsoft Research, will show how breakthroughs in the new field of data science are solving previously intractable problems in clinical medicine, public health, transportation, disaster recovery, and many other areas.

topics: events, Institute for Data Science,