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Campus Life

Dear Class of 2018: A message from the senior class council

Front, from left: Adil Ali, Juliana Shanahan, Joshua Pachter, Lily Guo, and Elliot Ding. Back, from left: Joseph Stephens, Jacqueline Meyer, Juan Pablo Castaño Moreno, Estella Kim. (University photo by J. Adam Fenster)

Commencement 2018: This is one in a series of stories marking the 168th Commencement Ceremonies of the University of Rochester.

Four years ago, as we sat together as a class on the quad during Convocation, none of us could have imagined how many experiences, challenges, and opportunities we would find over the course of our time here. We could not have imagined the friendships and memories to be made, but now, looking back, it’s hard to imagine a life without them. This University and the people around us have helped us grow into the incredible student body that we are today.

From the classes that have expanded our perspectives to the professors that have guided and challenged us and to the clubs that have been the outlet of some of our greatest passions, our college experience has been truly unforgettable. As we prepare to move forward to new adventures, we will use all the knowledge we have gained as undergraduates to continue to learn, discover, heal, and create.

It has been amazing to witness the energy and enthusiasm of our class that has inspired positive change in the communities and people around us, and this zeal is what makes us so proud to say we are members of the Class of 2018. This diversity of interest, perspective, and experience is something that we can always admire about the University of Rochester community as we continue to explore the world.

We are so honored to have served on the class council for such an amazing group of people. After seeing all that you have accomplished over the course of your college careers, we cannot wait to see what the Class of 2018 will go on to achieve, and how you will use your Rochester experience to make the world ever better! As you are welcomed into the alumni community, we would like to congratulate you on your graduation, and we hope that you will always look back fondly on your beloved college home beside the Genesee.