As we make the leap into March, enjoy a look back at how we spent February at the University of Rochester—from snow to sun and everything in between. Photos by J. Adam Fenster unless otherwise noted.
SNOW QUAD LIKE OUR QUAD: A snowy day on the Eastman Quadrangle, taken via drone. (University of Rochester photo / AJ Pow)
DINNER IS SERVED: Deer feed at twilight in Genesee Valley Park.
STAR OF THE SHOW: The sun photographed over River Campus.
CAN YOU DIG IT: The Strong Memorial Hospital expansion project construction site, photographed via drone.
WORDS TO REMEMBER: Jen Prosceo, director of disability resources, reads aloud a portion of Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass as part of a read-a-thon in celebration of Black History Month and the 206th birthday of Frederick Douglass.
GOING SOLO: Jaël Ernest Fleurant takes a solo during a dress rehearsal for the Eastman School of Music/University of Rochester Treble Chorus. The group, directed by Philip Silvey, an associate professor of music teaching and learning, collaborated with Crystal Sellers Battle, associate dean of equity and inclusion at Eastman, and Julius Dicks, director of the gospel choir, to explore what Battle studied for her dissertation: “‘I Sing Because I‘m Free’: Developing a Systematic Vocal Pedagogy for the Modern Gospel Singer.”
MODEL BEHAVIOR: Imad Khan, an assistant professor of neurology and neurosurgery, models a device prototype as Regine Choe, an associate professor of biomedical engineering and of electrical and computer engineering, looks on in the cardiac ICU at the Medical Center. With a $2.2 million National Institutes of Health grant, Khan and Choe are creating multi-modal neuromonitoring devices to monitor patients during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, a last-resort procedure for patients with acute heart or lung failure.
RESEARCH PARTY: Astrid Müller, an assistant professor of chemical engineering, and Madeleine Wilsey, a materials science PhD student, are pictured in Müller’s lab in Gavett Hall.
NO JACKETS REQUIRED: During a warm afternoon, students are seen on the Rush Rhees Library balcony overlooking the Eastman Quadrangle.
LEAP DAY: Hurdler Abby Seamus ’25 practices on the track in Fauver Stadium at the Brian F. Prince Athletic Complex on the River Campus ahead of the spring season.