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Gloria Culver to step down as dean of the School of Arts & Sciences

(University of Rochester photo / Brandon Vick)

Culver has served as dean since 2015, overseeing an expansion of interdisciplinary units and supporting school-wide research initiatives.

After nine years in the position, including one year as interim dean, Gloria Culver will step down as dean of the School of Arts & Sciences at the University of Rochester, effective July 1, 2023.

With the University’s new strategic plan set to launch this spring, Culver and Provost David Figlio mutually agreed that the best way for the school to move forward over the next five to 10 years would be with long-term consistency in leadership. The school and University have benefited from Culver’s efforts as dean; but after nearly a decade of service in this role and with an expression of no interest in extending this tenure, Culver’s stepping down at the end of June will allow for the next dean to lead the school through as much of the strategic plan implementation phase as possible.

In marking this transition, Figlio expressed appreciation for Culver’s leadership. “In the short time we’ve worked together, Gloria has impressed me with her views about the opportunities facing the School of Arts & Sciences,” he said. “Gloria’s prioritization of the well-being of our students, staff, and faculty has helped guide the school through challenging times and positions the school for still greater successes in the years to come.”

During her time as dean, Culver has managed a large portfolio of 18 departments and more than 12 programs, centers, and institutes. She has overseen an expansion of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary units, including the founding of the Humanities Center, the Institute for the Performing Arts, and, most recently, the Department of Black Studies. She oversaw the construction of the Sloan Performing Arts Center and a significant expansion of the Goergen Institute for Data Science.

Culver has also supported efforts to advance research activities across the school, including an increase in the number of competitive federal and foundation grant applications and funding received. She has enhanced philanthropy and alumni engagement, leading to a larger number of named professorships and more funding to facilitate research across the school.

“The time is right for me to step down; we have accomplished a great deal together in the last nine years, and the school is well-positioned to continue its forward momentum,” Culver said. “I will genuinely miss working closely with and learning from so many great colleagues on a daily basis as your dean.”

Recognized for her research in RNA biology and biochemistry, Culver will rejoin the Department of Biology full-time following a research leave.

The University will initiate a national search to identify the next dean of the School of Arts & Sciences. Figlio will name a dean search committee in the coming weeks.