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graphic reads CLASS OF 2017

Each year, the Office of Parent and Family Relations invites seniors to submit a brief entry to honor their parents and families. The graduates share messages of gratitude, appreciation, and humor related to family support, guidance, and encouragement.

A small sampling of messages from the Class of 2017 is included here. See more on the Parent and Family Relations website.

I feel lucky to be your little girl, and I see you in every wonderful thing that happens to me.
Thank you mom and dad. I’ll always make you proud. Muah!

Thank you so much for your constant support.
I couldn’t have gotten this far without all of the sacrifices you made and your amazing words of encouragement.
I cannot wait to see what the future holds for each of us. I love you all!
Thank you!
Sarah Bjornland

Dear Mom,
I don’t say this enough, but thank you for all you do.
Without you, I would not have had the opportunity to get such a great education
and never would have been able to get through some of the bumps along the road without your support.
Your strength and fearlessness inspire me everyday and I’m honored to make you proud!

Despite the 2,674 miles, you have always been a phone call or early-morning text away.
Thanks for supporting my choice to study a subject you knew nothing about, for sharing my joy in every success,
and for being my personal cheerleaders when the going got rough.
I am so lucky to have parents who encouraged me to fly.
Claire Kaiser

Dear Mama and Daddy,
Thank you for being my biggest role models and cheerleaders.
Thank you for believing in me, and for always supporting me in my dreams.
Thank you for loving me unconditionally, and for showing me what family, success, and pride truly mean.
I love you both to the moon and back!
All of my love forever and always,

Dear Ma and Papa,
I will never be able to understand how could someone leave their entire lives behind for their child.
Thank you for being my rock and for everything that you have done and continue to do for me.
I am who I am today because of you.
Love you guys always.

Dear Mom and Dad,
I’m supposed to keep this under 60 words, and we all know how much I like rambling.
I’ll just say that my tattoo of your signatures will have to suffice as a thanks for all that you’ve done for me.
Thanks for letting me talk to you on the phone during all hours when I hated everyone else around me.
Samantha Lienert

Dear Mom and Dad,
Thank you for always supporting, encouraging, and pushing me to do my best.
I truly appreciate everything that you have done for me,
and if it wasn’t for you two I wouldn’t have the motivation required to succeed at a school like U of R.
Thank you for being the great role models I needed growing up.
I love you both,