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Graduation thank you messages to honor parents, families

Commencement 2018: This is one in a series of stories marking the 168th Commencement Ceremonies of the University of Rochester and featuring graduation thank you messages from students to their families.

Each year, the Office of Parent and Family Relations invites seniors to submit a brief entry to honor their parents and families. The graduates share messages of gratitude, appreciation, and humor related to family support, guidance, and encouragement.

A small sampling of messages from the Class of 2018 is included here. More messages will be posted on the Parent and Family Relations website.

Dear Mom and Dad, It seems like just yesterday that we drove up to Rochester for freshman year. Thank you for always supporting me and being there for me over the past four years. You both have fostered confidence and passion in me to work hard and pursue my dreams with no boundaries. I am so lucky to have you both.


photo of a student with her parents included with a graduation thank you message

Hi Mom and Dad!
Cheers to four years of nine-hour road trips, weekly phone calls, and your constant support. Mom: thanks for the texts and long talks. Dad: I didn’t forget your advice—I had lots of fun and got real smart. Without you two I wouldn’t have been able to do it. Here’s to the next four at UNC!


photo of a student with her parents

Dear Mom and Dad,
If college has taught me anything, it has taught me how extraordinary my upbringing has been. I owe
all good in my life to you: Mom, Dad, Flynn, Meg, Tommy, Michaela, and Franky, and I find it hard to question the existence of God when I think of the love in our family. Thank you.


Dear Mom & Dad, Thank you so much for giving me all the best things you could give. Thank you so much for supporting and understanding me all this journey. Thank you so much, for being my parents.


Dear Family,
Thank you so much for loving me and supporting me through my college years. I couldn’t have done it without you, and I love you all so much!


photo of a student with her parents and grandparents

Dear Mom and Dad, Thank you for all of the love and support throughout the last 4 years. Any success I’ve had on campus has been the direct result of the work ethic and values you both instilled in me at a young age. I’m excited to take those lessons with me as I begin the next chapter!


Dear Mom, Dad, and Michaela,
Can’t believe it’s been four years since we took this photo on the Genesee! Thank you so much for believing in me and supporting me! You have truly given me the world, and I thank you so much for all the sacrifices you have made for me.


Dear Mom,
Thank you for being a mom who knows how to be a friend. Thank you for supporting me no matter what weird thing I decide to do next. Thank you for giving me wings.
I’d drink the fat for you; I’d steal the sun from the sky for you; I love you!

Lucy (aka Mariah)

Mama and Papa, Thank you for your unconditional selflessness, your unwavering support, your countless sacrifices that have opened many doors for me to grow and succeed, and all of the little (and big) things you have taught me along the way. I hope I make you as proud as you make me. Let’s celebrate with carrot cake!

Emily Gore

Carissima Mater, gratias tibi ago quod doctrinam meam adjuvisti sine qua hanc epistulam tibi non latine scribere potuissem. te amo. cura ut valeas. Dear Dad, how many people can say that they took a course from their dad in college (let alone three!) Thank you for sharing your love of physics with me and always helping me with homework.

Jeanie Wolfs