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In Photos

It’s winter. It’s festive. It’s Winterfest.

Cole Morgen '20, an electrical and computer engineering major, enjoys roasting marshmallows over a campfire.

One of the largest celebrations of the University’s annual Winterfest Weekend, Winter Wonderland, took place on Saturday, February 4 at the Campus Center and Wilson Quad. Huskies came to visit. Scarves were given away. Students enjoyed winter carnival activities—making s’mores, crystal imaging, cookie decorating, and more.

two students eating smores.
Clare Henderson ’20 and Taylor Crist ’20 eating their freshly made s’mores.
student toasting marshmallows over a fire
Cole Morgen ’20, an electrical and computer engineering major, enjoys roasting marshmallows over a campfire.
student painting a henna tattoo on someone's hand
Hira Alam ’18 is a pro in henna drawing. “I don’t have a pattern to follow. I just go with the flow,” Alam said.
three students holding stuffed animals
Laura Bochenek ’16, Shauna Kaisen ’15 and Alison Thaler ’18 made their own favorite stuffed animals for the winter season.
student poses with snowglobes
Yifei Lin ’20 was waiting to get her crystal pictures taken.
two people eating cotton candy
Heather Maclin, the assistant director of programming with Andrew Duffy ’19 from the Student Programming Board enjoy a cotton candy snack.