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Patricia Sime reappointed as the C. Jane Davis & C. Robert Davis Distinguished Professor in Pulmonary Medicine

Sime.Patricia.MD.FRCPPulmonary expert Patricia Sime has been jointly reappointed as the C. Jane Davis & C. Robert Davis Distinguished Professor in Pulmonary Medicine and chief of the Division of Pulmonary Diseases and Critical Care Medicine. She retains her appointments as professor of environmental medicine and of microbiology and anatomy. The Board of Trustees approved the reappointment in February.

Sime, who has been a Rochester faculty member since 1999, is an authority in the field of pulmonology best known for her basic and translational research of lung inflammation and scarring. She is known as a highly productive physician-scientist who runs a vibrant translational lung-disease program considering mechanisms and therapeutic interventions in lung inflammation and scarring, with an additional focus on the study of the cellular and molecular mechanisms of COPD.

Her work has been featured in numerous peer-reviewed publications, including the Journal of Clinical Investigation, the Journal of Biological Chemistry and the American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology.

Sime is one of the youngest fellows ever to be elected to the Royal College of Physicians. In 2009, she was elected to membership of the prestigious American Society for Clinical Investigation in recognition of her outstanding research contributions. At the national level, she serves as chair of the American Thoracic Society’s Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology Planning Committee and is a permanent member of the NIH Lung Injury, Repair and Remodeling Study Section.

Sime earned her medical degree with honors from the University of Edinburgh Medical School, Scotland. She completed training at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh and the University of Edinburgh.