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Federal budget process is broken

US President Donald Trump speaks to the press about the $1.3 trillion spending bill passed by Congress early Friday. After threatening to veto the legislation earlier in the day, President Trump announced he had signed the bill, avoiding a government shutdown. (Getty Images photo)

David Primo, the University’s Ani and Mark Gabrellian Professor and an associate professor of political science and business administration, appeared recently on Wisconsin Public Radio to discuss the $1.3 trillion spending bill, signed begrudgingly by President Trump last Friday to fund the government through the end of September.

Primo talked to Judith Siers-Poisson, host of WPR’s Central Time, about the “disjointed budget process,” the lack of action on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, and new government policy restrictions and prescriptions in the bill.

“We need to take a look at the bigger picture here, which is that this bill does nothing to deal with our long-term budget challenges,” says Primo. “Whether you are on the left or the right, that should be a big concern.”

While the measure boosts defense spending by $21 billion, lawmakers left out some of the president’s top priorities, including money for his proposed wall along the U.S.-Mexico border and a provision that would have stripped federal dollars from “sanctuary cities” that resist federal immigration laws.