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Stephen Hammes reappointed Louis S. Wolk Distinguished Professor in Medicine

Stephen HammesStephen Hammes, chief of the division of endocrinology, professor of medicine, and adjunct professor of pharmacology and physiology, has been reappointed the Louis S. Wolk Distinguished Professor in Medicine at the School of Medicine and Dentistry. The Board of Trustees approved the reappointment in January.

The Hammes laboratory uses frog, mouse, and human models to study physiologic processes and diseases that involve steroid production or steroid signaling, such as androgen effects on ovarian biology and prostate cancer, as well as estrogen effects on uterine and lung tumors. The laboratory has made important discoveries regarding novel pathways of steroid signaling, with a focus on transcription independent, or nongenomic, steroid processes. Work from his laboratory has led to several translational applications in diseases such as polycystic ovary syndrome, prostate cancer, and an unusual lung tumor called lymphangioleiomyomatosis.

Hammes received his bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Cornell University and his MD and PhD from Duke University. He has been on the Rochester faculty since 2009.