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Celebrating student employees of the year

Luke Meyerson '18, left, and Blake Harriman '16, '18W (MS) are 2018's student employees of the year. (University of Rochester photo / Lauren Ward)

Blake Harriman ’16, ’18W (MS) and Luke Meyerson ’18 are the University of Rochester’s student employees of the year.  They were honored April 10 in a ceremony at Feldman Ballroom in Douglass Commons.

Harriman won in the newly celebrated graduate student category. He was a dual major in mathematics and creative writing in the College and will graduate from the Warner School of Education in May with a master’s degree in adolescence education. A native of Irondequoit, a Rochester suburb, he worked as a library consultant at the Medical Center’s Edward G. Miner Library, providing Blackboard support and network troubleshooting to Medical Center affiliates.

Meyerson was the winner in the undergraduate student category. The political science major from Rye, New York, developed a network for the political science department that links alumni to each other and current students.

The awards are sponsored by the Student Employment Office during National Student Employment Week. Harriman and Meyerson were chosen by a committee of nomination readers representing departments across the University. This year, 35 nominations were received, and any student who worked at least six months in 2017 was eligible.

“I was honestly shocked I had won,” says Meyerson, who was nominated by political science professor Gerald Gamm. “This award represents my proudest accomplishment from my time here at Rochester.”

Harriman was nominated by Ray Watts, circulation assistant for the Miner Library’s Institute for Innovative Education.

“It’s a real testament to the Miner Library team,” Harriman says. “I was surrounded by some of the most capable and dedicated staffers I’ve had the pleasure of knowing. They set the standard I strove for.”