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Students, civil rights leader to be honored at Susan B. Anthony Legacy brunch

Each award recipient will receive gifts at the annual Susan B. Anthony Legacy brunch. (University photo / Susan B. Anthony Center).

Eight female undergraduates and one longstanding local civil rights leader will be honored at the Susan B. Anthony Legacy Awards brunch on Saturday, February 4. The event, a 60-year tradition celebrating Anthony’s birthday and the achievements of women at the University, takes place from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the ballroom of the Memorial Art Gallery, 500 University Avenue. This year’s brunch also commemorates the 100th anniversary of women’s suffrage in New York State.

The 2017 award winners will be honored for their academic and extracurricular achievements at the University and in the local community.  They are: Laura Cowie-Haskell ’18 (Jane R. Pitt Award); Giovanna Braganza ’17 and Miriam Kohn ’17 (Fannie Bigelow Prize); Meghan Patrick ’18 and Yareni Sime ’18 (Susan B. Anthony Scholarship); Jamie Rudd ’17 (Sue S. Stewart Award); Seyvion Scott ’19 (Dean Ruth A. Merrill Award); and Jing Wang ’16 (T5) (Susan B. Anthony Prize).

This year, the University will also present the Frederick Douglass Medal at the legacy brunch. The medal is sponsored by the Office of the President and will be awarded to Connie Mitchell, who in 1961 became the first woman and first African American elected to the Monroe County Board of Supervisors. At the time, the community leader held the highest public office of any African-American woman in the country. The medal honors individuals who, through outstanding achievement, represent the ideals for which Douglass stood, and who have contributed to educational life at the University or in the community, state, or nation.

The keynote speaker will be Debbie Farrell, senior director of leadership and development at Harris Rand Lusk.

Brunch tickets are $30 per person ($15 per University student) and $250 for a table of eight. Those interested can pay online or mail a check to:

University of Rochester
Susan B. Anthony Center
PO Box 270435
Rochester, New York 14627

Payment must be made by Friday, January 27. For more information, email the Susan B. Anthony Center at or call (585) 275-8799.