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Posts Tagged Commission on Women and Gender Equity in Academia

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University News
January 25, 2019 | 02:45 pm

Awards recognize commitment to diversity and inclusion

Myra Henry, the senior director of administrative services, and the Commission on Women and Gender Equity in Academia have been chosen as recipients of the 2018 Presidential Diversity Awards.

topics: awards, Commission on Women and Gender Equity in Academia, diversity, diversity-inclusion, Presidential Diversity Awards,
University News
March 15, 2018 | 03:24 pm

Commission leaders see broader mission

The newly formed Commission on Women and Gender Equity in Academia, chaired by associate professor of biomedical engineering Amy Lerner, left, and medical student Antoinette Esce ’15 has agreed to recommendations for clearer policies related to such issues as sexual harassment and intimate relationships, but is calling for further action to address what they say are more central issues of gender inequity.

topics: Commission on Women and Gender Equity in Academia, diversity, featured-post-side,
University News
October 26, 2017 | 09:23 am

Commission on Women and Gender Equity in Academia established

In a message to the University community, the faculty and student co-chairs announced the formation of the Commission on Women and Gender Equity in Academia, comprised of faculty, students, and trainees from across all campuses and schools.

topics: announcements, Commission on Women and Gender Equity in Academia,