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Posts Tagged COVID-19

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Campus Life
May 6, 2021 | 07:01 am

Curiosity and a hunch lead a Medical Center physician to data science

With a master’s degree in data science, geriatric oncologist Erika Ramsdale brings a new dimension of research to her clinic.

topics: Arts Sciences and Engineering, Class of 2021, commencement, COVID-19, events, Goergen Institute for Data Science, School of Arts and Sciences, School of Medicine and Dentistry,
Campus Life
May 6, 2021 | 06:59 am

‘I am ready to be many things’

As he prepares for graduation, Beirut native Marc Haddad ’21 says he’s had “some of the best experiences of my life” at Rochester.

topics: Arts Sciences and Engineering, Class of 2021, commencement, COVID-19, Department of Mechanical Engineering, events, Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences,
Campus Life
May 6, 2021 | 05:59 am

Optics grad has her eyes on the stars

Optical engineer Alyssa Ho ’21 is headed to Raytheon to work on space system projects.

topics: Arts Sciences and Engineering, Class of 2021, commencement, COVID-19, events, Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Institute of Optics,
Science & Technology
March 22, 2021 | 04:08 pm

AstraZeneca COVID vaccine 100% effective at preventing severe disease

Since last July, the University of Rochester Medical Center has been a leader in the US national clinical trials for the COVID vaccine developed by AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford.

topics: Angela Branche, Ann Falsey, COVID-19, featured-post, Medical Center, research finding, vaccines,
In Photos
March 9, 2021 | 05:47 pm

University community marks COVID-19’s one-year anniversary

Moment of silence and other activities mark the one-year anniversary of the COVID-19 pandemic and the ways in which the University community responded

topics: Athletics and Recreation, COVID-19, Dining Services, Eastman School of Music, International Services Office, River Campus, School of Nursing, University Horticulture and Grounds, UR Medicine,