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Posts Tagged Department of Biology

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Science & Technology
April 19, 2018 | 02:42 pm

Scientists discover gene controlling genetic recombination rates

Some species have evolved to display far more genetic crossover than others—and scientists have discovered a gene in fruit flies that is responsible for the evolution of these recombination rates.

topics: Daven Presgraves, Department of Biology, genetics, research finding, School of Arts and Sciences,
Campus Life
April 5, 2018 | 09:08 am

Students compete to explain years of research in 3 minutes

The University’s annual Three Minute Thesis competition challenges graduate students and postdocs to summarize their research with just three minutes and one slide.

topics: Department of Biology, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Department of Chemistry, Department of Computer Science, Department of Neuroscience, events, featured-post, Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Melissa Sturge-Apple, research finding, School of Arts and Sciences, School of Medicine and Dentistry,
Science & Technology
February 6, 2018 | 10:47 am

Why do naked mole rats live long, cancer-free lives?

Rochester biologists were surprised to see that despite its remarkable longevity, the naked mole rat still has cells that undergo senescence, like the cells in much shorter-lived mice.

topics: Aging, Andrei Seluanov, cancer, Department of Biology, featured-post-side, naked mole rat, research finding, School of Arts and Sciences, Vera Gorbunova,
University News
October 16, 2017 | 03:52 pm

Three honored with Goergen Awards for teaching excellence

Established in 1997, the award recognizes distinctive teaching accomplishments of faculty in Arts, Science, and Engineering. “The recipients embody all that we value in teaching at the University,” says Dean of the College Jeffrey Runner.

topics: awards, Department of Biology, Department of English, featured-post-side, Goergen Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Institute of Optics, Katherine Mannheimer, School of Arts and Sciences, Sima Ghaemmaghami, Thomas Brown,
Science & Technology
October 4, 2017 | 10:26 am

Field guide to fruit flies documents these surprisingly close human relatives

The common fruit fly is often deemed an annoying household pest. But these tiny insects are a boon to researchers. Rochester biologist John Jaenike has co-authored the first comprehensive guide to fruit flies published in nearly a century.

topics: book authors, Department of Biology, featured-post-side, genetics, John Jaenike, River Campus Libraries, School of Arts and Sciences,
Science & Technology
September 19, 2017 | 02:54 pm

Firefly researchers mapping ‘world’s second-most interesting genome’

“Fireflies only tend to be out during the summer months in Rochester,” says assistant professor of biology Amanda Larracuente. “The end of summer is when we’re frantic about getting all our work done.” Her team is now the first to successfully sequence the firefly genome.

topics: Amanda Larracuente, Department of Biology, featured-post-side, genetics, research finding, School of Arts and Sciences,
Science & Technology
September 11, 2017 | 04:17 pm

Protein identified in post-chemo cell death puzzle

Researchers have identified a protein that is required for cell death after undergoing chemotherapy—at least, it appears, in male mice.

topics: cancer, Department of Biology, Dragony Fu, featured-post-side, Natural Sciences, School of Arts and Sciences,