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Science & Technology
November 17, 2016 | 01:03 pm

‘Antisense’ compounds offer new weapon against influenza A

Challenging a long-held convention, University researchers have shown they can inhibit the influenza A virus by targeting its genomic RNA with “antisense” compounds.

topics: Department of Chemistry, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Douglas Turner, influenza, Luis Martinez-Sobrido, Medical Center, research finding, School of Arts and Sciences,
Science & Technology
November 3, 2016 | 08:21 am

Seed grant enables researchers to try new approach to targeting leukemia

University researchers hope to improve the odds of surviving acute myeloid leukemia by loading a promising compound into nanoparticles that will target the inner recesses of bone marrow where leukemia stem cells lurk.

topics: Benjamin Frisch, cancer, Danielle Benoit, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Department of Chemistry, Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Medical Center, research funding, Rudi Fasan, School of Arts and Sciences, University Research Award,
Science & Technology
October 14, 2016 | 04:44 pm

Finding needles in chemical haystacks

Chemists have developed a process for identifying new catalysts that will help synthesize drugs more efficiently and more cheaply, by searching libraries for drugs with structure features similar to known catalysts.

topics: Daniel Weix, Department of Chemistry, drug treatments, Natural Sciences, research finding, School of Arts and Sciences,
University News
October 3, 2016 | 02:15 pm

Trio of longtime professors recipients of Goergen Awards for teaching excellence

Bradley Nilsson, associate professor of chemistry; Amy Lerner, associate professor of biomedical engineering; and Beth Jörgensen, professor of Spanish, are the recipients of the 2016 Goergen Awards for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching.

topics: Amy Lerner, awards, Beth Jörgensen, Bradley Nilsson, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Department of Chemistry, Department of Modern Languages and Cultures, Goergen awards, Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, School of Arts and Sciences,
Science & Technology
June 24, 2016 | 02:43 pm

Neidig recognized by Department of Energy

Assistant professor of chemistry Michael Neidig is one of 49 scientists to be recognized this year by the Department of Energy as one of the nation’s “exceptional researchers” in his or her “crucial early career years.”

topics: announcements, awards, Department of Chemistry, School of Arts and Sciences,
University News
June 7, 2016 | 11:36 am

NSF CAREER winners blend research and education

Four Rochester researchers are among the latest recipients of the National Science Foundation’s most prestigious award for junior faculty members.

topics: announcements, Department of Biology, Department of Chemistry, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Douglas Kelley, Dragony Fu, grant, Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Ignacio Franco, Institute of Optics, Materials Science Program, National Science Foundation, Nick Vamivakas, School of Arts and Sciences,
Science & Technology
March 28, 2016 | 05:00 am

Q&A: New ways to make molecules

Daniel Weix specializes in developing better ways of creating molecules with the goal of speeding up the discovery of useful compounds, including pharmaceuticals.

topics: Dan Weix, Department of Chemistry, Natural Sciences, research finding, School of Arts and Sciences,
Science & Technology
December 3, 2015 | 04:10 pm

More efficient way of converting ethanol leads to better alternative fuel

A research team led by chemistry professor William Jones has developed a series of reactions that results in the selective conversion of ethanol to butanol, without producing unwanted byproducts.

topics: Department of Chemistry, energy, featured-post, research finding, School of Arts and Sciences, William Jones,
Science & Technology
April 14, 2015 | 11:54 am

Chemist Michael Neidig awarded Sloan Fellowship

Michael Neidig, an assistant professor of chemistry, has been recognized as a “rising star” by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. Neidig is one of 126 U.S. and Canadian researchers selected as recipients of Sloan Research Fellowships for 2015.

topics: awards, Department of Chemistry, fellowships, Michael Neidig, Sloan Research Fellowships,