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Posts Tagged Department of Economics

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Campus Life
May 13, 2019 | 09:07 am

Following in his brother’s footsteps—and making his own mark

Bobby Gerami ’19 has taken advantage of many opportunities at Rochester, getting involved with the After Hours a cappella group; club basketball; and the Students’ Association, where he served as treasurer.

topics: Department of Computer Science, Department of Economics, School of Arts and Sciences,
Society & Culture
April 22, 2019 | 11:10 am

Nobel laureate Paul Romer to deliver Gilbert Lecture

Nobel laureate Paul Romer, a former assistant professor of economics, returns to campus to discuss how “economics can offer better answers to the most important questions facing humanity.”

topics: Department of Economics, Gilbert Lecture, Nobel Prize, Paul Romer, School of Arts and Sciences,
Science & Technology
March 6, 2019 | 01:59 pm

A son sets out to make an iPhone app to communicate with his father

“It’s essentially closed captioning for personal conversations,” says Brandon Isobe ’10 of the app that he and his father, who is deaf, developed to render speech to text.

topics: alumni, American Sign Language, Department of Economics, Rochester Review, School of Arts and Sciences,
Campus Life
January 29, 2019 | 02:54 pm

One family, two generations, three degrees

A car accident during his first winter break had left Giuliano Agostinho de Castro ’20 paralyzed from the chest down. Now he’s back on campus, and his parents are his classmates.

topics: Barry Florescue Undergraduate Business Program, Department of Economics, Department of History, featured-post, International Services Office, Office of Disability Resources, School of Arts and Sciences, Warner School of Education,
Campus Life
December 5, 2018 | 02:41 pm

Meet the Students’ Association presidents at the College and Eastman

Henry Carpender ’20, left, and Beatriz Gil ’19 were elected last spring as Students’ Association presidents for the College and the Eastman School of Music.

topics: Department of Economics, Department of Political Science, Eastman School of Music, School of Arts and Sciences, Students' Association,
Society & Culture
October 8, 2018 | 09:19 am

Former economics professor Paul Romer receives Nobel Prize

The former assistant professor of economics at the University of Rochester is currently a professor at New York University, and was recognized by the Nobel Committee for his work on the economics of technological change.

topics: awards, Department of Economics, featured-post-side, Nobel Prize, School of Arts and Sciences,
University News
September 13, 2018 | 04:31 pm

Economics conference to honor Mark Bils, explore changes in the US economy

At a weekend conference “Dynamics of the US Economy: Challenges Ahead,” economists from four continents will gather at the University to honor the 30-year career of Mark Bils, the Hazel Fyfe Professor in Economics.

topics: awards, Department of Economics, events, Mark Bils, School of Arts and Sciences,
Campus Life
May 10, 2018 | 03:24 pm

‘Leap of faith’ leads to data science studies

Anya Khalid came to the University without having ever coded in her life—but she was eager to get in on the ground floor of the new undergraduate major in data science. Now the Washington, D.C., resident is graduating with degree in economics as well, bound for Seattle and a job as a data analytics consultant.

topics: Class of 2018, Department of Economics, Goergen Institute for Data Science, School of Arts and Sciences,