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Posts Tagged Department of Family Medicine

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Campus Life
October 26, 2021 | 09:16 am

Amid student mental health challenges, Rochester broadens outreach and access

Peer counseling, mindful practice, therapy dogs, 24/7 care—supporting the well-being and mental health of college students at Rochester takes many forms.

topics: Department of Family Medicine, Department of Psychiatry, Eastman School of Music, featured-post-side, interfaith chapel, Susan McDaniel, University Health Service,
Voices & Opinion
May 30, 2016 | 11:07 am

Restrictive housing for juveniles: punitive, not rehabilitative

Restrictive housing—popularly referred to as “solitary confinement”—is widely employed in U.S. prisons and jails. Kevin Fiscella of the Department of Family Medicine examines the risks of restrictive housing, especially for juvenile offenders. / CorrectCare

topics: children, Department of Family Medicine, Kevin Fiscella, School of Medicine and Dentistry,