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Posts Tagged Nobel Prize

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Society & Culture
April 22, 2019 | 11:10 am

Nobel laureate Paul Romer to deliver Gilbert Lecture

Nobel laureate Paul Romer, a former assistant professor of economics, returns to campus to discuss how “economics can offer better answers to the most important questions facing humanity.”

topics: Department of Economics, Gilbert Lecture, Nobel Prize, Paul Romer, School of Arts and Sciences,
In Photos
December 8, 2018 | 08:38 am

In the lab where it happened: Nobel science in pictures

Today’s Rochester researchers are taking science developed at the Laboratory for Laser Energetics to develop the next generation high-power lasers and to better understand the fundamentals of high-energy-density physics. 

topics: Department of Physics and Astronomy, Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Institute of Optics, Laboratory for Laser Energetics, Nobel Prize, School of Arts and Sciences,
Science & Technology
December 6, 2018 | 05:02 pm

Rochester represents at Nobel Prize ceremony

Three scholars with ties to the University of Rochester received the Nobel Prize in their fields at the 2018 ceremony in Stockholm, Sweden. The Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to both Donna Strickland ’89 (PhD) and her graduate advisor and former senior scientist Gérard Mourou, for work that paved the way for more compact and precise high-intensity laser systems. In addition, Paul Romer, a former assistant professor in the Department of Economics, has been awarded a shared Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences for his work in endogenous growth theory.

topics: awards, featured-post-side, Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Institute of Optics, Laboratory for Laser Energetics, Nobel Prize,
Society & Culture
October 8, 2018 | 09:19 am

Former economics professor Paul Romer receives Nobel Prize

The former assistant professor of economics at the University of Rochester is currently a professor at New York University, and was recognized by the Nobel Committee for his work on the economics of technological change.

topics: awards, Department of Economics, featured-post-side, Nobel Prize, School of Arts and Sciences,
Science & Technology
October 2, 2018 | 12:29 pm

Rochester breakthrough in laser science earns Nobel Prize

University of Rochester doctoral graduate Donna Strickland ’89 (PhD) and former optics faculty member Gérard Mourou shared the Nobel Prize in Physics today for work they undertook at the University’s Laboratory for Laser Energetics. Their breakthrough paved the way for the creating very short and very intense laser pulses now used in a variety of applications, from LASIK eye surgery to the manufacturing of materials used in cell phones.

topics: Arts Sciences and Engineering, awards, Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Institute of Optics, Laboratory for Laser Energetics, lasers, Michael Campbell, Nobel Prize, Wayne Knox,
Society & Culture
February 14, 2018 | 04:11 pm

A conversation with Rochester’s latest Nobel Prize winner

Recognized by the Nobel committee for his contributions to behavioral economics—a field that he helped create—Thaler’s research bridges the gap between economics and psychology.

topics: Department of Economics, interdisciplinary, Nobel Prize, Richard Thaler, School of Arts and Sciences, Social Sciences,
University News
December 8, 2017 | 09:49 am

Rochester’s latest Nobel laureate to be honored

The 2017 Nobel laureates will receive their awards on Sunday, December 10, in Stockholm. Among them is Richard Thaler ’74 (PhD), a leading scholar on the intersection between human behavior and economic decision making, who will be awarded a Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences.

topics: awards, Department of Economics, Nobel Prize, Richard Thaler, School of Arts and Sciences,