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Posts Tagged Randall Curren

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Voices & Opinion
October 29, 2020 | 04:55 pm

Teaching national mythologies doesn’t help society address problems

In a RealClearEducation op-ed, Rochester philosopher Randall Curren and his coauthor argue there is “little merit in the notion that love of country is something that can be taught through celebratory history.”

topics: Department of Philosophy, Randall Curren, School of Arts and Sciences,
Society & Culture
April 23, 2020 | 04:30 pm

Ethicists: COVID-19 pandemic a ‘wake-up call’

Philosophy faculty explore moral dilemmas presented by the crisis and how they intersect with larger structural questions.

topics: COVID-19, Department of Philosophy, Randall Curren, Rosa Terlazzo, School of Arts and Sciences, William FitzPatrick,
Society & Culture
June 24, 2019 | 03:12 pm

Should we teach children patriotism in school?

In an interview with the Irish Times, University of Rochester philosopher Randall Curren discusses the role of “a proper, virtuous kind of patriotism.”

topics: Department of Philosophy, featured-post-side, Randall Curren, School of Arts and Sciences, Warner School of Education,
Voices & Opinion
January 29, 2019 | 10:46 am

Australia asks how best to tell a story of national beginnings

What makes for a good celebration of national origins? Professor of philosophy Randall Current recently discussed the issue on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation as the controversy over Australia Day grows.

topics: Australia, Department of Philosophy, global engagement, Randall Curren, School of Arts and Sciences,
Society & Culture
June 13, 2018 | 11:25 am

Parsing the Pledge of Allegiance

In an excerpt from his new book, philosophy professor Randall Curren looks at the Pledge’s Rochester roots and traces its evolving use in public schools.

topics: book authors, Department of Philosophy, Flag Day, Francis Bellamy, Randall Curren,
Society & Culture
July 10, 2017 | 04:17 pm

Philosopher Randall Curren considers why sustainability matters

In his new book Living Well Now and in the Future: Why Sustainability Matters Curren argues that the core of sustainability is the “long-term preservation of opportunities to live well.”

topics: book authors, Department of Philosophy, Environmental Humanities Program, featured-post-side, humanities, Randall Curren, research finding, School of Arts and Sciences, sustainability,
University News
May 16, 2017 | 02:48 pm

New faculty books examine sustainability, time, and more

Each academic year, Rochester faculty members publish books that advance scholarship and investigate questions of broad interest. New Reads offers a selection of some of their most recent work.

topics: Department of English, Department of Modern Languages and Cultures, Department of Philosophy, Department of Political Science, Environmental Humanities Program, Gretchen Helmke, Jennifer Creech, Joel Burges, Nancy Ares, Randall Curren, Robert Doran, School of Arts and Sciences, Warner School of Education,