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Posts Tagged Rochester City School District

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The Arts
November 3, 2017 | 02:48 pm

Welcome to art school

An innovative partnership between the Rochester City School District and the Memorial Art Gallery lets children in our community experience the educational, inspirational, and social power of art.

topics: community, Memorial Art Gallery, Rochester City School District,
Campus Life
August 3, 2017 | 04:06 pm

High school students complete Upward Bound summer program

Seventy high school students from the Rochester City School District took part in the annual Upward Bound academic summer showcase, presenting the results of their six-week research projects.

topics: community, David T. Kearns Center for Leadership and Diversity, Rochester City School District, Upward Bound,
Campus Life
September 1, 2016 | 12:56 pm

Building a better tutor

Thomas Downey ’16 wanted to help his fellow college students become better tutors for kids in the Rochester City School District. So he used his KEY year to design a new two-credit course to do just that.

topics: community, entrepreneurship, Rochester City School District, Warner School of Education,
Campus Life
August 5, 2016 | 12:21 pm

Upward Bound students showcase work at closing ceremony

“With this program, everything came together. Now, I feel like a real scientist.” Derek McNeil joined a record 140 high school students from Rochester City schools took part in the six-week summer program.

topics: community, David T. Kearns Center for Leadership and Diversity, Rochester City School District, Upward Bound,
University News
July 18, 2014 | 03:10 pm

Teen Health and Success Conference focuses on self-esteem, professional networking

More than 80 Rochester high school students will attend the two-day Teen Health and Success Conference on River Campus to focus on developing strategies for successful employment and crafting a statement about career aspirations and future goals.

topics: city schools, community, Rochester City School District, Teen Health and Success Partnership, teenagers,
Science & Technology
July 7, 2014 | 02:56 pm

$3.6 Million grant funds asthma study for urban teens

The most common chronic childhood illness, asthma affects an estimated 1 in 10 children and teenagers in the United States. Low-income and minority youth develop asthma even more often.

topics: asthma, Golisano Children's Hospital, Jill Halterman, pediatrics, Rochester City School District, teenagers,
University News
June 30, 2014 | 08:37 pm

‘The end of the beginning’: A plan to save East High School

At the request of the Rochester City School Board, the University has submitted a plan intended to administer East High School, the largest high school in Rochester which is on the verge of being closed by the State because of inadequate performance.

topics: East High School, Educational Partnership Organization, EPO, Rochester City School District, Warner School of Education,
University News
August 3, 2013 | 08:06 pm

University renews Rochester Promise Scholarship Program

ince its launch at the University in 2007, more than 70 City graduates have taken advantage of the program, which guarantees any graduate of City high schools at least $100,000 in sponsored scholarships.

topics: Rochester City School District, Rochester Promise, scholarships,
University News
August 2, 2013 | 05:43 pm

EVENT: Teen Health & Success Conference

Over 50 students from the Rochester City School District will attend a “Your Vision, Your Future” conference at URMC, as part of the University’s Teen Health and Success Partnership program.

topics: Rochester City School District, Teen Health & Success Partnership, UR Medicine,