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The Arts
January 27, 2015 | 02:16 pm

(en)Gendered exhibit marks tenth anniversary

For ten years, this annual competition has showcased the artwork of undergraduate students exploring ideas of gender and sexuality. From January 23 through February 27, an exhibition in Rush Rhees Library features the 2015 jury’s top selections.

topics: anniversary, Department of Art and Art History, events, School of Arts and Sciences, sexuality, Susan B. Anthony Institute for Gender Sexuality and Women's Studies,
The Arts
November 14, 2014 | 07:33 pm

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder: International Theatre Program presents Venus

The play opens in Todd Theatre on Thursday, Dec. 4, and is based on the true story of Saartijie Baartman, a South African woman taken from her home in 1810 and brought to London where she becomes an overnight sensation on the freak-show circuit.

topics: announcements, Department of English, featured-post, humanities, International Theatre Program, Nigel Maister, School of Arts and Sciences, sexuality,
The Arts
August 26, 2014 | 04:02 pm

International celebration honors work of scholar, activist Douglas Crimp

Leading scholars, artists, and critics from around the world will gather at the Arsenal Institute for Film and Video Art in Berlin on August 28 to celebrate the work of Douglas Crimp, who turned 70 this month. Known for his work as an art critic, theorist, curator, and activist, his work was instrumental in the development of the field of queer studies.

topics: AIDS, Department of Art and Art History, Douglas Crimp, events, Graduate Program in Visual and Cultural Studies, LGBTQI, School of Arts and Sciences, sexuality,