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Researcher wins auditory neuroscience award

Laurel Carney, a professor of biomedical engineering, has been recognized for her work by the premier scientific organization in the field of acoustics. The Acoustical Society of America has awarded Carney the William and Christine Hartmann Prize in Auditory Neuroscience.

“It’s truly a great honor to receive an award created by Bill and Christine Hartmann, two of my role models,” said Carney. “I welcome the challenge to emulate their life of discovery, presentation, publication, service, and education throughout the world.”

William and Christine Hartmann established the award with a donation to recognize and honor “research that links auditory physiology with auditory perception or behavior in humans or other animals.”

William Hartmann is a physicist, psychoacoustician, and former president of the Acoustical Society of America. His contributions to the field involved pitch perception, signal detection, modulation detection, and the localization of sound.

In her research lab, Carney is working to better understand how the brain translates sounds into patterns of electrical impulses. By studying physiology, human hearing, and computer models, Carney hopes to learn how the brain distinguishes sounds in noisy environments and why even a small degree of hearing loss can lead to major problems. Her ultimate goal is to develop effective strategies to help people who have experienced hearing loss.

Carney earned her M.S. and  Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering at the University of  Wisconsin-Madison. She was an associate professor of biomedical engineering at Boston University and professor of biomedical engineering at Syracuse University before joining the faculty at the University of Rochester in 2007, where she serves as professor in three departments—biomedical engineering, neurobiology and anatomy, and electrical and computer engineering.